Showing posts with label Resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resources. Show all posts

Thursday, February 29, 2024

My Favorite Bible Tools Come From Rose Publishing

Big Idea: Explore the many helpful colorful Bible tools from Rose Publishing.

My Favorite Bible Tools Come From Rose Publishing

“I like books with pictures,” I told my Bible study class. I was using a pamphlet on the Tabernacle for a study of the book of Exodus. More information was in a big book I showed them from Rose Publishing.

Different people learn using different parts of the brain. I am definitely a visual learner!

This is why I love Rose Publishing so much!

About 10 years ago a Bible study I led thanked me with a $20 gift certificate to a local Bible Bookstore. As I wandered around like a kid in a candy store, my eyes fell upon a spiral bound book, Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps and Timelines. I got that and have referred to it often.

What makes Rose Publishing so useful?

Maps Charts and Timelines

Rose Publishing does maps, charts and timelines exceptionally well. They are easy-to-read and accurate. They have helpful information. The information is accurate and Biblically sound. It is also practical, helpful stuff.

They show comparisons, such as their Maps of Israel Then and Now. They have giant wall charts for an office or classroom.

Overviews of Information

Rose takes big information and breaks it down into easily recognizable categories that get fleshed out. They cover lists from the Bible like the Twelve Disciples, the Feasts of the Bible, what’s in the tabernacle and then the temple, the Armor of God and so on.

Rose provides helpful comparisons. They have a chart comparing the different Bible translations. They have a whole DVD series/powerpoint and book about 4 different Christian views on the end times. They compare Ancient Israel with Israel today.

Rose presents great overviews. I have taught a Sunday School class on the Bible Overview, using their book and powerpoint of the same name. It breaks down by sections of the Bible showing the theme, outline, key verses, connection to Jesus and usefulness for believers.

This spring I am going to use that same Bible Overview to teach a 7 week rapid overview of the Bible in a community education program for senior adults.

They also show overviews of prophesy throughout the Bible. How the Bible fits chronologically. The names of God in the Bible as a whole. Church history and Bible history overview.

Seeing how the Bible ties together and how the storyline is consistent is a very valuable thing for us to grasp. Rose Publishing tools show that.  

Various formats

With various formats come various prices and various levels of depth.

Pamphlets are a visual way to view a topic with a bird’s eye view. They contain a lot of detail with charts and illustrations succinctly presented.

They are laminated so you can refer to them over and over. They are thin enough to use as a bookmark in your Bible.

Pamphlets are the cheapest item to buy on a topic. They are usually $4.99 but they are periodically 50% off.

Topic examples

Powerpoint and ebooks.  This source is a Bible Study leader’s dream. The many powerpoint presentations come ready to teach. They are not made into lesson by lesson so you can break them up as you need them.

They are also a very easy way to go slide by slide through information if you like to learn on your own.

Most of the powerpoints have a pamphlet and an ebook, and/or paperback, that you can buy to dig more deeply into the subject.

Many of these cover books of the Bible or Christian History topics

Cost: Most powerpoints are $39.99. Periodically they have a 50% off special so I have a wish list I keep to snatch one when it is on sale.

Examples of powerpoint lessons – (many of the above pamphlets are also available as powerpoint).
There is a lot more available! Just take a look at their website or punch in Rose Publishing at Amazon or CBD.

Wall Maps and Charts

Rose Publishing has some fantastic tools for the office or classroom.  The regular price for them is $14.99.  For instance it has a 10 foot chart of world and church history. 

For instance:

Ten Foot World and Church History Timeline  currently $14.99 at Hendrickson/Rose
Jesus and the Apostles
Holy Land Then and Now Relief Map
Exodus Wall Map
Paul's Journeys Then and Now Wall Map

FREE stuff

You KNOW how much I appreciate free stuff! 

I became so aware of all their resources by getting on their email list.  They immediately send you 15 free echarts.  They then send you free charts periodically. 

Here is a screenshot of their deal currently. I kept getting them for 3 years and only recently unsubscribed because I own a number of resources now.

It includes sale notifications time to time for up to 50% off in various categories, free shipping days, and so on. I was able to try them and see for myself that their charts and additional resources are helpful.

I personally don’t use children’s material but they also have resources for children. A popular series is about Instant Bible Lessons for. Toddlers, Preschoolers and Preteens.

The Word of God Always Comes First!

There are many great Bible tools around! Just be sure studying them does not replace the primary importance of the Bible! The Word of God always comes first!

This series is about Bible study tools. There are many types of Bibles and helpful resources like a concordance or Bible dictionary. Information about their book and their electronic version are included. Cost and “how to use” are addressed.


Previous: Soup to Nuts II: Bible Dictionary Series
Up next: Where in the World is Ur of the Chaldees? The Bible Atlas


1. How do you learn best? Do you like to read and listen to lectures, learn through videos or images, is participation or hands on most effective for you? 

2. Check out Rose Publishing pamphlets. Do you think the Rose resources might have something for you?

(I have not monitized my site and get nothing from Rose Publishing for featuring their stuff!)

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Watch the Bible


The Big Idea: Get to know the Bible better watching videos of the Bible as quoted word-for-word.  

See the Gospels Not Just Read Them

In our media driven world we are privileged to have several videos available to us with the Bible read and re-enacted for us word-for word. Here's what it does for us:

  • It lets us view the Bible in a fresh way.
  • We observe customs, the ancient lifestyle, weather, topography of the land and so on.
  • We see the nuance of a glance or a smile, proximity people with Jesus, Jesus’ human emotions.
  • We can visual the story of real people in a real place. Perhaps we identify with a character.
  • We can insert ourselves in the story like a fly on the wall and see what Jesus does.

The current best word-for-word video series

LUMO PROJECT  provides each gospel in full. It is made using Middle Eastern actors with a Bible lands setting. Because of the Middle Eastern actors and direct reading of the Bible, it is easily viewed and translated into many languages. You will find many other languages represented on the YouTube channel. Languages like Bengali, Farsi, and Malagasy. If you have international students in your life, or neighbors or relatives who speak another primary language, this is definitely a resource!

On YouVersion Bible App for free here.

The Lumo Project video channel free here. Search for book and chapter such as "Matthew 5"

Occasionally it is available for free on streaming services, such as Amazon Prime or Netflix. Just check on it.

Here is a sample of Mark 6: 1-29

Other Word-for-Word Videos

The Gospel of John (2003) Distributed by Lions Gate. I enjoy the playful light in the eyes of the one who plays Jesus.


The series, "The Visual Bible" in cooperation with International Bible Society, has produced several excellent productions that are very useful.

The Visual Bible: Matthew (1993)

The Visual Bible: The Acts of the Apostles (1994) I love seeing the book of Acts come to life!

The Gospel According to Luke (1979) is the King James Version being read. It is from New Media Bible. It was released as The Jesus Film Project. This also has been dubbed into many languages and is still widely available. When I was a missionary in Guinea, West Africa, this film was shown widely. It was often the first time for many to hear about Jesus. The website "Blue Letter Bible" has it broken down into chapter by chapter of Luke here.

Biblical Movies Adapted

It is important to be aware of a couple factors concerning adaptive text Biblical movies compared to the word-for-word Biblical movies. These movies create dialogue because a lot of the Bible is narration. The Scriptures are not written like a screenplay. These movies take creative license in their desire to create an engaging story creating conversations that might or might not have happened.

These conversations inserted to the story in addition to the Biblical text are man's interpretation. It might even unknowingly reflect bias.  It is harder to translate these into other languages because of idioms and other modern Western influence though unintentional.

On the other hand, sometimes the woven story gives a very good picture of what might have plausibly happened. The accuracy to Biblical truth depends on the seriousness of the writers and producers. Do they make efforts be true to the scriptures and with good, faithful Biblical background to the original text, cultural context and customs of the day?  Done well, these films can help us have a much better picture and understanding of the context in which the Bible was written.

Before you watch an adapted movie double check who backs the production.  Ask spiritually mature Christians what they think of the adaptation. Opinions may vary but it is valuable to discuss it. You may find these trustworthy opinions online on a Christian website such as through Plugged in: Focus on the Family or Christianity Today, for instance. Usually if a Bible publishing house backs a movie that is a very good sign.

While watching, consider what you know what the whole Bible says and (Scripture interprets Scripture) what you know to be true of God. Create discussion with pastors, teachers and good Christian friends on the portrayal. Ask yourself what you think is the intent of the film for a take away.

I recently read an article from a movie review site ( that stated that Christians prefer accuracy the most when it comes to films about the Bible. I agree. God's character and our understanding of God is at stake!

An Excellent Referral

The Chosen is a current crowd-sourced TV series about the life of Christ. This is not at all a word-for-word rendition. There are back stories and storylines developed to create understanding. Some of this is conjecture. However, the producer of this series truly wants to get it right, prays Christ is portrayed correctly and humbly seeks good counsel for accuracy. I am encouraged with it’s faithfulness. I am blown away by it and often moved to tears. Please feel free to check it out and consider supporting its production.  

We could go one by one through some of the many films of recent years giving a grade. There are a couple that surface as best. Sometimes a movie will provide good background information of the Bible to us in a sort of back story of the times. However if it steers us in the wrong direction about the Bible or tries to present a half truth about God, we are in trouble.

Perhaps this is a good subject for another day!

Up Next: Why Read the Bible?

Previous Post: 10 YouVersion Tips



1. Have you ever tried watching a chapter or two of a passage instead of reading it? How did it impact you differently than just reading it on paper? With YouTube and YouVersion it is very accessible now.

2. How would YOU proceed to check the accuracy of a film related to the Bible? Who might you ask or what site might you check out?

3. Is there a Bible based movie or an episode of "The Chosen" that you absolutely love? What truth touched you in the story? What did it show you about God?


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

10 YouVersion Tips


The Big Idea: Many use the YouVersion Bible App but aren't aware of some great features.

Millions of people have already discovered the totally free YouVersionBible App. That might be you too! But did you know there are a number of options available in the app? Check out this list and see if there is something new for you to try! God's Word is worth the effort!

1. Listen to an audio version of the Bible

Not all translations have an audio version, but quite a few do. Some foreign languages do too but not all. Listening to the Bible is a fresh way to take it in. My husband is listening to the Bible as his read-through-the Bible in a year.  Another friend of mine caring for someone in her life, finds she is awoke often in the night. She listens to the Bible while helping her family member, and often falls back asleep to the Bible. As you scroll through the list of translations, you will see a sound icon next to versions available in audio. 


2. Side by side Bible translations

There are times when it is useful to look at two different Bible translations at the same time for comparison. For instance, your pastor may preach using one translation and you may appreciate to compare the verse in the version you usually read. Translation comparison can be a passage on a tablet or on the computer. It is only available by verse with a cell phone.


3. Enlarge the font for a large print Bible

If you are getting older or have poor sight, you can enlarge the type very easily. It is lighter weight than a ponderous large text Bible, and available in all translations, even with other languages.

4. Find a ready-made Bible reading plan

YouVersion has partnered with many organizations to provide Bible reading plans. There are plans available to read the Bible through in a year, with numerous options.  Some are chronological. Some have shorter passages with a devotional thought. You can start at any time, not just on January first.

Of course there are also shorter plans. Some are one month long, a week long, and anything else that fits for you.

5. Read the Bible focused on a topic or issue

Above is a sample list of emotions with readings that address whatever you might feel a need for. If you are struggling right now, this is a great way to kick start getting back into the Bible to see what God has for you today. Many plans have a devotional thought included. Some are short. Some are long. Some have links to useful websites.

There are very specific groups addressed. Men. Women. Teens.  Going through a divorce. Addiction.  Losing a job. Finance.  Parenting littles. Parenting teens. So many options interesting to scroll through.


6. Watch a Bible Video enhancing understanding

There are Bible Videos that are word for word passages re-enacted, such as the Gospel series by LUMO. Each episode of the Chosen is available though it is not word for word Scripture. There are tools for better understanding such as the BibleProject videos for each book of the Bible, themes, key words, and so on. The Spoken Word videos are dramatic, meaningful readings. There are lots more video series. Additionally there are teachings by well appreciated  Bible teachers under the category "Discovery". Check out your options.


7. Use the highlights, notes and sharing features

You can copy verses to import into another program if you are a Bible study leader or preacher, and make your own notes for future study. You can also add notes to a verse as you are taking sermon notes.  There are fewer choices online than with the tablet and cell phone apps. You can edit your notes, bookmarks, images, etc. when you click on the wheel at the upper right corner of the app for settings.

8. Prayer resource

Your tablet and cell phone version has an option that the computer app does not have, to form a prayer. It even coaches you through ideas what to prayer for. You can send it to a friend or just leave it for your own journaling memory. You find the menu on the left when you click on the More category at the bottom of your screen.


9. Make verse art of a verse

The tablet and cell phone version let's you underline a verse and then choose to make an image. You can use their images or import one of your own. You can then download it to your phone and use it as a lock screen or share with friends.


10. Subscribe to the verse of the day

The home page always shows you the featured verse of the day. You would be surprised  how often  you will tell yourself how much you needed to hear that! In the settings page you can change the version you would like for this feature. Make your own image with the verse or use one they have already made from it. A daily scriptural reminder is always a good thing! Take a moment during the day to pray the verse for your life or reflect on its meaning for you. It is a mini-devotional moment that will honor God. He likes it when you take time to reflect on His Word!

I hope this detailed list of ideas for YouVersion was helpful for you. Leave a comment on how you use the YouVersion Bible app. Inspire others with your suggestion.

Up Next: Watch the Bible

Previous Post: My 5 Favorite Bible Apps



1. How do you feel about an electronic Bible? Do you like it or avoid it? When might it be helpful to use?

2. Is there one feature you were not aware of that you might like to experiment with or try out to enhance your reading of God's Word?

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Free Ebooks on Deep Questions


The Big Idea: Very helpful pastor/author has excellent free series of ebooks on very serious questions for the Christian life. Here's how to get them.

R.C.Sproul Crucial Question Series

There is a series of books that are available in electronic form, that will be free forever. It will help you learn more about who God is, why you should believe, how you should live and how you can share your faith. It is an amazing and valuable series for any Christian or someone interested in the Christian faith.

R.C. Sproul was a conservative, Reformed pastor, author and speaker who passed away in 2017. This valuable series of books are free electronically and you can buy paper versions of them. He started Ligonier Ministries. They have decided to make these books available forever for free. Additionally most are in Spanish. Each book is between 60-90 pages or so. Here is the list of titles taken from their website.

Here is a complete list of the free ebooks in the Crucial Questions series

·         Are People Basically Good? 

·         Are These the Last Days?  (EspaƱol)

·         Can I Be Sure I’m Saved?  (EspaƱol)

·         Can I Have Joy in My Life?  (EspaƱol)

·         Can I Know God’s Will?  (EspaƱol)

·         Can I Lose My Salvation?  (EspaƱol)

·         Can I Trust the Bible?  (EspaƱol)

·         Does God Control Everything?  (EspaƱol)

·         Does Prayer Change Things?  (EspaƱol)

·         How Can I Be Blessed? 

·          How Can I Develop a Christian Conscience? (EspaƱol)

·         How Can I Be Right with God? 

·          How Should I Live in this World? (EspaƱol)

·         How Should I Think about Money? 

·          What Can I Do with My Guilt? (EspaƱol)

·         What Can We Know about God? 

·         What Do Jesus’ Parables Mean? 

·         What Does It Mean to be Born Again?  (EspaƱol)

·         What Is Baptism? (EspaƱol)

·         What Is Faith?  (EspaƱol)

·         What Is the Great Commission?  (EspaƱol)

·         What Is Repentance? (EspaƱol)

·         What Is the Church?  (EspaƱol)

·         What Is the Lord’s Supper?  (EspaƱol)

·         What Is the Relationship between Church and State?  (EspaƱol)

·         What Is the Trinity?  (EspaƱol)

·         Who Is Jesus?  (EspaƱol)

·         Who Is the Holy Spirit?  (EspaƱol)

·         Does God Exist? 

·         How Does God’s Law Apply to Me? 

·         What Is Predestination? 

·         Why Should I Join a Church? 


You can go to the R.C. Sproul author page at

There you will find these and more of his books, occasionally offered for free. The way you search on that page (and any author page on Amazon) is using these buttons near the top of the page. Choose Kindle Books and then choose on the drop down menu, Price: Low to High.

R.C. Sproul's book, Abortion: A Rational Look at anEmotional Issue, is also always free.

I have noticed this book from Ligioner Ministry author Keith Mathison is also always free. A Reformed Approach to Science and Scripture.

Logos Bible Software also offers the Crucial Question Series electronically for free.

You may be asking yourself what does a Reformed Christian or pastor mean?

This is a well explained short definition from

Generally, Reformed theology holds to the authority of Scripture, the sovereignty of God, salvation by grace through Christ, and the necessity of evangelism. It is sometimes called Covenant theology because of its emphases on the covenant God made with Adam and the new covenant which came through Jesus Christ (Luke 22:20).

 Up Next: No light for my way

Previous Post: My favorite Bible Versions

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Great BibleProject

The Big Idea: If you don't know about the videos from the BibleProject, you are missing out on a great resource. Here's why.

You think you know the BibleProject? Think again!  

Here are some things you might not know!
The day my Bible study co-leader introduced me to The BibleProject videos I was blown away. This non-profit computer animation video production company is about books of the Bible, Word studies, Biblical themes and so on. It is purely crowd funded and intends to always teach about the Bible for free. It uses fairly simple animation and illustrations that are able to be translated into other languages. In fact it has been  translated so far into 18 languages (with 10+ videos per language) and viewed in 200+ countries.

Tim Mackie, the theologian, is an excellent verbal communicator. His friend, Jonathan Collins, is the communications and animation specialist. These two guys roomed together at Multnomah Bible College and several years later decided to share their passion for the Bible to create this powerful vehicle of Bible education. Their videos can mesmerize young children and bring joy and profound understanding to adults. Launched in 2014 in Portland, Oregon, they have gathered a very skillful team around them. 


Videos: Book overviews, Bible themes, Word studies and the How to Read the Bible series.

Podcasts: They spend about 50 minutes with deeper explanations. Tim Mackie also has posted some of his sermons and teaching sessions in a blog called "Exploring my Strange Bible."

Blog: Posted by various members of their team

A Church at Home Series, especially helpful during the COVID 19 period, but also great for small group Bible studies and home schoolers.

Classroom: (NEW in Beta form) Graduate level Bible Classes Free. Currently 2 courses available. Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (18 hours) and Heaven and Earth (19 hours).

Shop: Coffee Table book of each of the books of the Bible and another of the informational posters. The individual posters on each book of the Bible are also available for download on their website. They also have a couple t-shirts, and a stick drive with all their Bible Videos.


That is hard. I love their videos that give an overview of each book of the Bible. If I start studying a new book I always go to that first. We bought the coffee table book of all their charts.

I am very excited about their How to Read the Bible Series. These are uncommonly excellent in explaining the various genres and themes of the Bible, weaving together the basic theme and brilliant ways it is put together to express this basic theme about God and His partnership with us.

They have videos like: 

How to Read Ancient Jewish Meditational Literature 

How to Read Metaphor in Biblical Poetry

Spiritual Beings focus Angels and Cherubim

Theme: The Tree of Life 

Theme: Day of the Lord 

I refer to these videos and show them every chance I get! I currently teach a Sunday School class of an Overview of the Bible and I use one or two in each session. You always see light bulbs going on in people's heads as they watch them.

Check them out!

One last resource I just discovered… Top 75 Bible Study BlogsI recently checked into it and submitted my blog, and it was chosen to be featured as part of their list! How exciting! And if you go to this site you will find so many ideas from an amazing variety of sources.  You can check out the list of each blog's last five posts and it will give you so many wonderful ideas. It includes blogs from Bible Gateway, Bible Publishing companies like American Bible Society and author Liz Curtis Higgs.

Wow! I am passionate about the Bible and I hope it rubs off on you too! What an amazing God we have who has made a way to communicate with us in the written word, the spoken word and You Tube also! Join me on this fabulous journey! 

Up Next: My favorite Bible Versions

Previous Post: Old Testament: God's Partnership Plan