Showing posts with label Bible Basics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible Basics. Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2024

What Makes One Sin Greater Than Another Part 1

Big Idea: Sin, a major Bible theme, is a flawed relationship with God firstly, but with our fellow man too. All sin pollutes us but some are worse.

Question asked recently by a friend: What makes one sin greater than another? In the Bible, there are so many things that are considered sins, even wearing fabric that isn’t natural is blasphemous! So where are the rules of sin laid out?

“Ask Anything About the Bible” is our newest blog series

Sin at the Core

Human rebellion and separation from God is at the core of the Bible message.

Sin shows up very, very early in the first book of Genesis (Genesis 3).

It is mentioned quite often in the Bible, in some books more than others. See this chart for where the word “sin” is used the most.

Where are the sin rules laid out?

The early chapters of Genesis up through the flood address the beginnings of sin. Then God starts laying out a plan to reestablish the partnership relationship He wants with human beings that began in the Garden of Eden.

From paradise lost God works to communicate and lay out a plan that will eventually connect with all the ethnic groups of the world.

God begins again in a sense, with the man, Abraham.

Abraham’s family is established and the ensuing nation (later called Israel) will represent an example of a people group’s special relationship with God, whether it is deserved or not.

The Ten Commandments and the other 613 laws

Through Abraham’s offspring, rules get established how to live with a holy powerful deity who resides in the middle of their camp. Think Charlton Heston and the pillar of fire in the encampment in the movie, “The Ten Commandments.”

The Ten Commandments (1956)

These commandments and the following 613 rules are not only about a right relationship with Almighty God, but also for a right relationship with those living around us.

Referring to the above chart, notice a lot about sin in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. The Ten Commandments are found in both of them.

Also, that rule my friend, who asked the question, mentioned, about being blasphemous to wear mixed woven cloth instead of natural fiber, is found in both Leviticus (Leviticus 19:19 NLT) and Deuteronomy (Deut. 22; 9-11 NLT).

That which is most important

A Jewish person recently said the Ten Commandments are really the core, the most important instruction.

The first four commandments are about our relationship to God, and the last six are about living right toward mankind.

Jesus pretty much summed this up too in the Gospels. Love God, love others.

“Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?”

Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” Matthew 22: 36-40 NLT

Is one sin greater than another?

Sin can be in the eye of the beholder. When I lived in West Africa I discovered that a Christian’s idea there of terrible sin was a little different from the way my American friends perceived it.

Yes, people do that!

I believe different generations and different eras of time have viewed sin differently too.

The Bible’s different degrees of sin

In keeping with the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ summary, there are sins against God and sins against our fellow man which are considered worse.

In sins against God, willful intentional defiance repeatedly against Him is considered very grave.

Mankind doing atrocities against fellow human beings breaks God’s heart. Honestly, it should break our heart too.

The LORD observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart. Genesis 6:5-6 NLT

Oppressing defenseless widows, children, and those destitute is considered pretty terrible too.

All sin puts us at odds with God

It is true that any sin, any violation, makes us guilty. It is like a legal moral standing before God.

Sin in the world, the bent toward rebellion that unchecked turns violent, is like a poison.

If you were offered a glass of water and you noticed a drop of a toxin fell into it, would you drink it?

Probably not. It does not take much to pollute. In the same way, it does not take much sin to pollute.

Everyone is in need of a toxic sin cleanse from God.

That is the thing. We are all legally sinners in comparison to a pure God. And I, as good as I try to be, am unable to make myself perfect.

That is why all need God’s cleansing solution. He made a way so we can stand as if we are pure in His presence. That is mind boggling.

Stay tuned for Part 2 for the rest of the story!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Bible Stories: Fully written stories or fragments?


The big idea: Since stories make up 43% of literary styles in the Bible, we can assume stories of Bible characters are important, and that our own story is important to God too.

The question asked recently by a friend: Churches tell stories about the Bible. How are they in the Bible? Are they written there as stories, or has the church put these ideas together from fragments?

“Ask Anything About the Bible” is the newest blog series

The Power of Story

We are a story culture.

  • Reality TV shows and talk shows
  • Ghost stories around the campfire
  • Bedtime stories for kids
  • Rant blogging and video blogging

Most cultures around the globe value storytelling. It’s especially important in non-literary societies. In ancient days this is how history was kept alive. Oral historians took their role seriously to get it right as they passed the information on.

Genres of Literature in the Bible

The library and bookstore provide different books depending on need. There are genres like mysteries, history, instructive how-to books, and so on.

The Bible is made up of several genres of literature too. There are narrative stories, legal literature such as laws and genealogies, poetry (think the Psalms), instruction like a sermon or letter or advice, and even a genre almost Sci-fi-ish called Apocalyptic literature about dreams, cosmic battles, etc.

The narrative story-telling style makes up the largest percentage. 43%! The ancient periods of the Bible were predominately non-literate, so it is not surprising that storytelling was used so much in the Bible.

Bible Characters

There are many key figures in the Bible. Key figures may use numerous chapters to tell the story.

For example, the life of Abraham covers thirteen chapters from his calling to his death (Genesis 12-25). It is a long narrative. Smaller stories within the big storyline include other characters woven in.

The four Gospel accounts tell the life of Jesus. Each Gospel has a slightly different approach and includes some different details. They each had a different audience in mind.

The Gospel according to Luke was written by a non-Jewish physician. He wrote especially for non-Jewish people. He included more healing stories descriptive of aches and pains than the other three Gospels.

The Bible on the importance of stories

Here are two examples, one from the Old Testament, and one from the New Testament, about the power of stories in the Bible.

Old Testament Example

1 O my people, listen to my instructions.
       Open your ears to what I am saying,
2 for I will speak to you in a parable.
    I will teach you hidden lessons from our past—
3 stories we have heard and known,
    stories our ancestors handed down to us.
4 We will not hide these truths from our children;
    we will tell the next generation
    about the glorious deeds of the Lord,
    about his power and his mighty wonders. 
                                    Psalm 78:1-4 NLT

New Testament Example

Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds. In fact, he never spoke to them without using such parables. Matthew 13:34 NLT

Jesus used many similar stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they could understand. Mark 4:33 NLT

Real stories of real people

The Bible is full of stories. They are honest real life portrayals with people who were full of emotion, made mistakes, and ultimately made a choice whether to trust God or go their own way.

I think the raw reality of these Bible characters is a confirmation that these were stories of real people, not fragments doctored up for literary purpose to make a point.

Find an easy-to-read Bible Translation

If you are new to reading the Bible you will find it interesting to read.  Don't start in Genesis with the attempt to read it all the way through. Instead start with the Gospel of Luke or the Gospel of John. It is mostly a storytelling style.

Most people are familiar with the King James Version of the Bible, but it reads like Shakespeare. Most of the big old family Bibles are the King James Version

The Bible is now available in so many accurate easy to read versions. The one I often quote from is the New Living Translation (NLT).

Some think the NLT is someone trying to put it in their own words to make it sound modern, but is not accurate to the original writings. That is not the case. 

Some equate it with the very popular and helpful Bible of the 60s and 70s, the Living Bible. But the New Living Translation was published 25 years after the Living Bible. 

Ninety Bible Scholars worked as a team over six years time (1989-1996) to faithfully study the earliest manuscripts of the Bible and render them in readable English. That is known now as the New Living Translation. 

Some translations easy-to-read for storytelling are: New Living Translation (NLT), The Contemporary English Version (CEV), New English Translation (NET), the Message (MES) and more.

Read it for yourself!   

You do not need to own one of these Bibles to read it. Go to You can then download the app, or click on the word Bible, next to the title YouVersion on the left to read it on the computer.

Try the Bible in a modern version and allow yourself to be surprised!


Previous: The DaVinci Code: Why were numerous books not included in the Bible?
Up next: What makes one sin greater than the other? Part 1


What do you like about what you know of Jesus? What don’t you like about Him?

Would you consider reading one of the Gospel accounts in a modern Bible translation? You can find these free online at Start with the Gospel of Luke or John. The New Living Translation is my favorite for reading the stories of Jesus.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

What is the Purpose of the Bible?

 Bible and space for a question. "What is the purpose of the BIble?

Big Idea: The Bible is written to communicate that God seeks human partnership with those who trust Him, and these are like sign posts toward Jesus. 

“Ask Anything About the Bible” is our newest blog series. Normally questions are solicited from people I meet. This first question is one I hear sometimes and thought would be a good first question. 

The Bible is a large, amazing book

The Bible is a huge tome of writings designed to communicate who God is and His desire to partner with human beings who trust Him.

This remarkable book has over 30 different writers of various nationalities and backgrounds covering about a 1000 year period.

As a total work it is mind boggling that its themes and subthemes are in sync with each other in spite of the wide variety of authors covering a wide time frame.

Each book has sign posts that point to Jesus who is in the Old Testament as part of God’s activity, but specifically as God’s Son born into humanity in the New Testament.

The Bible itself claims it was written by human beings inspired by God.

20 Above all, you must realize that no prophecy in Scripture ever came from the prophet’s own understanding, 21 or from human initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God. 2 Peter 1:20-21 NLT

In the Beginning

Genesis, the name of the first book of the Bible, means beginnings. It introduces God as the creator of the universe.

Man and woman were created, introduced to God, and invited to partner with Him in naming the animals and taking care of the world.

Man and woman walked and talked with God. It set the ideal precedent.

Genesis shows numerous beginnings. 

Those who spurned trusting God and working with Him found themselves free to do as they wish. But that lifestyle led to a lot of heartache and pain. Many became mean and evil without any guardrails of morality.

It became obvious that human beings are stubborn and bent toward badness. We see God’s sadness at how bad things got so quickly after Creation.

The LORD observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. 6 So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart.  Genesis 6:5-6 NLT

Partnering with People

Throughout the book of Genesis, God reached out to human beings, inviting them to trust Him and work with Him. For example, Adam and Eve, Noah and Abraham.

The people whose stories are featured have real flaws and issues. We see faith as a work in progress, like Abraham for example.

The Bible shows God revealing Himself progressively, coming alongside those who trust Him, and guiding them.

The purpose of the Bible is to show us how to find and appreciate God's love for us.

The purpose plainly stated

This Bible verse tells us plainly how the Bible helps us in this Bible verse.

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 2 Timothy 3:16 NLT

To follow the list in the verse with a simile:
  • It teaches us what is true.
  • It makes us realize what is wrong. Like looking in a mirror and seeing the smudge on our face.
  • It corrects us when we are wrong. Like looking in a mirror and verifying we are removing it.
  • It teaches us to do what is right. Like following a YouTube video how to remove a stain.

The benefit

The benefit of reading the Bible provides great comfort as we bring our problems to God and find all we need for a fulfilled life from reading the Bible.

Joyful are people of integrity,
who follow the instructions of the Lord.
Joyful are those who obey his laws
and search for him with all their hearts. Psalm 119: 1-2 NLT

Have a questions to submit? email or post it on

Up next: The DaVinci Code: Why were numerous books not included in the Bible?


This blog asserts that the Creator of the Universe wants to partner with human beings. It may seem preposterous, but consider this an exercise.  If God came to you and told you that, how would you respond? 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

What the Bible is All About: by the amazing Henrietta Mears

 Holding a book

Big Idea: Check out the classic book What the Bible is All About by the amazing Henrietta Mears.

Amazing Bible Influencer

Imagine being in charge of Christian education in your church and growing the program to 4200 people in two years’ time! This was Henrietta Mears’ story.

Henrietta Mears (1890-1963) was a super duper Scripture Spy. Not only did she dig into the Bible passionately, she wanted everyone to become passionate about it too!

Big names she influenced

Here is a starting list of those she impacted:

1. Bill Bright who wrote the well known Four Spiritual Laws tract and started the program now called CRU

2. Dawson Trotman who started the Navigators Ministry.

3. Billy Graham. She prodded him to have the Los Angelas Crusade in 1949 which launched his career as an Evangelist.

4. She started her own publishing company for her Sunday School materials, The Gospel Light (now part of David C. Cook Publishing)

Check out a review of the book about her, Mother of Modern Evangelicalism by Arlin Migliazzo.

Here is a one minute video from the Museum of the Bible on Henrietta Mears.

Her legacy: a book with over 4 million printed copies

Probably her most influential legacy was a thick book entitled, “What the Bible is All About.” It has sold over 4 million copies since published in 1953.

The book is a great resource for someone brand new to the Bible and for anyone serious about Bible study. It has great summaries and excellent background information. It pulls things together.

Here is the publisher’s summary of what the book presents:

· Provide a complete guide to the Scriptures
· Explain how Jesus is revealed in the Old and New Testaments
· Show why the Bible is one book, one history, one story
· Introduce key people in biblical history
· Give historical background for every major event
· Highlight recurring biblical themes
· Provide helpful reading plans, maps, and charts, and other study helps

I never knew of this book growing up. I wish I had! There have been so many printed editions. It is easy reading and very insightful. Find a copy and see for yourself!

The Word of God always comes first!

There are many great Bible tools around! Just be sure studying them does not replace the primary importance of the Bible! The Word of God always comes first!


This series is about Bible study tools. There are many types of Bibles and helpful resources like a concordance or Bible dictionary. Information about their book and their electronic version are included. Cost and “how to use” will be addressed.


Previous: Jesus in Real Life: Resources about everyday life in Bible Times
Up next: How to read the Bible for all its worth: Coffee pot conversations



1. The third bullet point indicates it shows why the Bible is one book, one history, one story. What would that one story be? Reflect on this. Wrestle with it. Pray on it.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Which Bible is Right for Me?

Big Idea: Determine the Bible for you, whether it is your first Bible or by considering how you plan to use it.

This series is about Bible study tools. There are many types of Bibles and helpful resources like a concordance or Bible dictionary. Information about their book and their electronic version are included. Cost and “how to use” will be addressed.

Which Bible is right for me?

Bibles can be expensive. But YOUVERSION at has free access which is useful. It is not hard to find a cheap Bible. It is important to get one and get started!

There are many factors to consider in determining your next Bible.

How will you use your Bible?

  • Is this my first Bible or is it an additional one for further study?
  • Which translation/Bible version will help me?
  • Could I use a Study Bible or just do I need a basic Bible?
  • What type of cover and binding will serve me?
  • What size of Bible is useful and size print?
  • Do I want a physical Bible or an electronic one?

Choosing your first Bible

First Bible? If so, you want an easily readable translation (i.e. New Living Translation or the New International Version). Avoid one with tiny type and flimsy pages. You don’t want your introduction to Bible reading to be hard.

What are others using? Consider what your pastor refers to most in his sermons. If you are in a Bible study, consider what others are using. Ask them why they like one translation over another.

How much does it cost? Cheap or free Bibles can be found at places like Thrift shops, library sales, or from a friend with an extra one. Often the lobby of a church has free Bibles. 

If you are new to the Bible a Study Bible is useful as it has notes and introductions of each book of the Bible. 

But it is important to just get started! Do not delay!

Electronic Bible versus a physical book

The electronic Bible has great usefulness for accessibility. It is with you everywhere you go. YOUVERSION as an app or at for the phone or device has made the Bible of almost all versions and languages free.

You can make the print as large as you want. You can compare different versions. I think it is harder to make notes and underline. YOUVERSION does let you highlight and write notes.

Marking your Bible and learning how to find its references are important skills and useful to find passages quickly. That is an advantage for the physical book. 

Other considerations

  • Need large print? Some publishers like let you look at what letter counts per line look like.
  • Is it heavy? Do you need a small one to fit in a bag? Is a heavy one OK?
  • Need a daily Bible for study that lasts? You may want a leather cover with deluxe binding.
  • Is it for personal study? You want a study Bible with notes? A journal Bible to write questions and observations?
Is your study for personal application, thus devotional or for leading Bible studies or Bible College/Seminary training? If you need it for  deeper study you will want a reliable word-for-word Bible translation rather than a thought-for-thought translation. (More on that next week). 

God’s Word is important for your life!  

People do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD. Deuteronomy 8:3 NLT


Previous: What’s in YOUR Bible Toolbox?
Up next: The Quest for the Right Bible Translation 


1. Why do you have or want to have a Bible?

2. How do you hope the Bible will help your life?

Thursday, September 7, 2023

3 Payoffs for Regular Bible Reading

money fans Bible

The Big Idea: Reading the Bible regularly is hugely beneficial for my everyday life.

Things get out of whack when I get out of a habit. This summer I have been walking the neighborhood almost every day. If I let a couple days slide, it is so hard to get back into the routine.

Bible reading can be like that. I try to read the Bible in the morning before I check email, look up information on my tablet, or do my daily Sudoku. If I get sidetracked I may never get back to it. The next day it’s easy to forget it altogether. That’s a fast slide!

It is easy to get out of a habit. But it is always beneficial to get back to it. The huge payoffs for regular Bible reading for support in your day –to-day challenges are many. Here are three.

To Learn about God

You could take a university class about God or read an online article. But you are better off going straight to the source: His book, the Bible. He wants us to know Him. What you observe and learn about His character in its pages will lift you up as you lean into Him.

Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring. Hosea 6:3 NLT

To Understand Human Life

When I look at the news, the world and what happens in our town I shake my head and sigh. There is so much bad stuff going on.

When I read the Bible, rather than beautiful scenes and platitudes, I see real human encounters steeped in a world bent toward evil. There is a very evil presence that tries to shake us up and take over the world. To say nothing of my personal peace.

But as I read the Bible I see God present, reaching out. He desires to be known, respected and wants to care for us. His absolute joy comes from friendship with us, as we lean on Him.

So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls. James 1:21 NLT

To Strengthen Your Inner Core

I broke a foot last year. Walking now, I still have to work on my core muscles. Abdominals are crucial for balance and strength.

Reading the Bible regularly builds emotional and spiritual core strength. It is full of wisdom and common sense for life. It is not wrought with sugary platitudes. Sometimes what it says is hard. But it is good for our core. We need these strengthening Words of Life.

I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Ephesians 3:16 NLT

Over the next 3 weeks we will look at 3 simple ways to read the Bible. Check it out! Bible reading is good for you!


Up next: What-Grabs-You Bible Reading Method
Preview Post : The James Bond of Scripture Spy


1. How are you at keeping good habits such as brushing teeth, exercising, and so on? Why do you develop them or let them lag?

2. Have you ever had a Bible reading habit? Why or why not? Do you agree with the 3 points about Bible reading? What might you add to this list?

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Imagine Not Being Able to Read the Bible

The Big Idea: The Bible which used to be in Latin and Greek throughout the world, was put into our language because of daring Scripture spies who risked everything.

Imagine not being about to read the Bible!

Imagine not being able to read the Bible for yourself! Long, long ago, the average person did not know how to read the Bible, or anything else.

There were very few copies of the Bible available and what existed was in Latin or Greek.

My husband, raised in the Roman Catholic Church, recalls Latin masses. One of his neighbors brought the Sunday paper to church every Sunday and read during the service because he understood nothing spoken or read!

How do I know I’m not cursing myself?

The first 1500 years after Christ were like the neighbor's experience. The 2 ruling churches from the East (Orthodox, favoring Greek) and the West (Roman Catholic, favoring Latin) saw putting the Bible into the language of the people as suspect.

“They don’t have the clerical education to interpret it!”
Churches preached in Greek or Latin and offered communion, conducted baptisms and weddings as such.

But as a Muslim friend of mine puts it, “I have to read the Koran and pray in Arabic. How do I know I’m not cursing myself with the very words I speak?”

The Dark Ages were… well, dark

The Dark Ages (~500-1400 A.D.) had a grip of darkness over mankind. Life was hard and people died too easily. The Viking conquests, the Black Plague, and the Crusades were some time markers.

The Church, instead of bringing comfort and hope to the masses, bickered and controlled Sovereigns and money. And they preached in a language people did not understand.

But God always keeps a remnant! Not silent, God works through humble people with a passion for Him.

The next month we'll briefly look at those who risked even life to make God known. Single minded in their fervor, they tried to get the Bible into the language of the people.

These folks are why we have the Bible in our hands today.

Daring Scripture Spies

As we look at the lives of these Scripture Spies, they share these five traits in varying degrees.

 1. A longing for the average Joe to know God

2. Compelled by God to change people’s lives

3. Challenging the status quo

4. In danger, hunted down, life threatened

5. Instrumental in pointing people to know God 

Bonus: Influencer on thousands through the centuries


Up next: First Prize goes to the Oxford man!
Previous post: The most remarkable after death appearances


1. Imagine you can’t read anything. Imagine everything you hear at church is in a language you don’t know. How do you keep the faith?

2. Does the Bible seem like gobbly-gook sometimes, even when you’re reading it in your language? Have you tried another translation? Compare a couple of verses in different translations (like the New Living Translation) and ask yourself if that enhances understanding for you. (You can find other translations of the same verse from


If you would like to receive Scripture Spy every Wednesday as an email, 
send your email address to

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Why Read Through the Whole Bible?

The Big Idea: Reading through the Bible in a year will give you perspective of God at work.

“Daddy, could I read the Bible through in a year, too?”

I was probably about eight years old. My father made a reading program before it was in vogue for the church to read the Bible through in a year.  Our pastor requested he make bookmarks of his reading plan and pass them around at the New Years Eve service. My father loved the Bible and wanted it to be a relevant part of people’s lives.


Why Should I Read the Whole Thing?

Reading the whole Bible through helps to see the big picture. We tend to go to our favorite places but the whole of Scripture is from the Lord. 

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 2 Timothy 3:16 (NLT)

Have you used Google Map to find someplace and then decided to click on the satellite view? It explains a few things like why a road curves (mountain) or why the street dead ends (river). The bird’s eye view helps us get a better perspective.

So why read the entire Bible through?

  • It gives a clearer view of God and the Bible story.
  • It shows God’s bigger plan of Salvation.
  • It provides background material for characters referred to in the New Testament.
  • It gives fresh insight who God is and His love in a different context.
  • It keeps us balanced in our Christian life rather than have our hobby horses.

At Least Try

I’m embarrassed to admit it has been twenty plus years since I read the Bible through. In 2021 I decided I would. But 2021 has been an intense year health-wise for me.  I didn’t start it till March. I realized I just needed to start and then do the best I can. I am currently in Jeremiah. I tell you this goal adaption because sometimes we quit and don’t start again. We feel defeated. An amended plan is still a plan! I am still getting in to God’s Word! I plan to finish reading the Bible in 2022.


Then and Now

When my father created his program in the 1960s, we knew no other plan. Today so many are out there it can be overwhelming. There are a few things you can do to search for a plan.

  • One of my favorites is the Bible Project plan. An option is to listen to the audio daily.
  • Or check the many plans at and choose one (the Bible Project one is there too)
  • Follow a plan that your church may be using. Doing it as a group provides great support.

 Don’t give up, and don’t settle for doing it just once. My dad read a different version each year and said it was always fresh and new to him!


Up next: What Does Timeless Truth Mean?

Previous post: Shine: The Christ Candle

Note: We have been in the process of going through a Practical Starter Guide of Inductive Bible Study. We will resume this series in January.



1. Have you ever tried to read the Bible all the way through? Did you make it? If not, what happened and what might help you follow through?

2. What do you think might be useful in reading the whole Bible?

3. Take a moment to pray about your time in the Word this year. Ask for God’s help and His guidance. As Him to help you stick with it even if you fall behind.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

IBS-23 Unraveling Figures of Speech: when not to take the Bible literally

The Big Idea: We believe the Bible is to be the literal word of God but what about figures of speech?

When not to take the Bible literally

I studied French for a year conversing, listening to television, reading the paper, etc. I heard a phrase about a moon of honey on the news. I was stupefied till I realized the story was about newlyweds. That idiom is also used in English!

As serious students of Scripture, we take the Bible at its word. It is not a fairy tale. Interpret it literally most of the time believing it is God’s Word to you. The Holy Spirit inspired writers (2 Peter 1:21) who wrote beautiful ancient literature, but no language is sterile. Figures of speech give it beauty and emphasis. Realize figures of speech paint a picture. Sometimes figurative words of another culture sound odd to us. Bible translators apply modern phrases to express the idea for us which explains the difference in comparing translations. Remember that the cohesiveness of the Bible remains in sync with the rest of it. No strange doctrine emerges from a sentence or verse that is counter to the rest of the Holy Word of God.

Figures of Speech

Figures of speech are words and phrases that express meaning that is not meant to be literal but rather descriptive. It is not intended to be misleading but rather to illustrate like a word picture. Examine this chart to see the more common figures of speech found in the Bible followed by an explanation and an example.

Figures of Speech in the Bible

Understanding these language variables help us interpret the Word of God better. It is not intended to be mysterious and hard to understand. The Bible is intended for us to learn how to live abundant life in Christ (John 10:10, Ephesians 3:20).


This is the twenty third in a series called Practical Starter Guide for Inductive Bible Study.
Table of Contents

Up next in the series: What Does Timeless Truth Mean?
Previous post: Strange Bible Verses



1. Do you enjoy idioms in your language? Does one make you laugh when you hear it? Do you have a story of a funny misunderstanding talking with someone who was foreign to your language?

2. What is a phrase in the Bible that sounds odd? What do you think it is really trying to say?

3. Does this blog on figurative speech give you comfort of more confusion to trust what the Bible says? Why or why not?

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Jumpstart Reading Your Bible

The Big Idea: Talk to God during your Bible reading. It will bring greater clarity and joy.

Talking to God as You Read

Some days motivation to read the Bible is hard. You know it's good for you. Yet getting into the habit feels like anticipating that root canal. Satan prefers you not  read it either and will offer every excuse not to. The Bible gives peace, wisdom and joy. The enemy of our soul does not want you to find that.

Here are some helpful ideas.

  • Pick a consistent time of day
  • Find a time that works in your schedule
  • Pick a quiet place free of distractions
  • Keep a reading log to watch your progress
  • Read a chapter (or verse) a day sequentially
  • Find an accountability partner


Just a Little Talk With Jesus

There's an old southern gospel song called "Just a Little Talk with Jesus." It was written in the 1930s by an African American pastor in the deep south. The chorus starts like this:

Now let us have a little talk with Jesus
Let us tell Him all about our troubles
He will hear our faintest cry
And He will answer by and by

I suggest you incorporate a little talk with Jesus as you pick up the Bible and read. It centers us back to our Creator who knows us and loves us tenderly.  The Bible is God's very Word to us. This is all about interacting with God and it’s a two way street.

1. Begin with honest prayer.

Don't feel like reading the Bible right now? Tell Him. Angry or feel distant from Him? Tell Him. You won't offend Him. He knows what you are thinking. Confess what is not right between you and God. Humble yourself. Be honest. In a relationship, honesty and authenticity is highly valued. Start with that.


2. Pray for a hunger.

Distant from God? Busy? Too tired? Embarrassed? Ask for a desire for the Word of God. This is a spiritual interaction, not your own wistful efforts. 

Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment. I Peter 2:2

3. Reflect on His amazing love.

Think of His crazy love for you and mull it over. He wants time with you. Get to know Him. In the moments of silence with Him, be still and reflect.

Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Psalm 37:7a

Keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting expectantly for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ for eternal life. Jude 1:21 (CSB)

4. Ask God for insight.

God is the Word who has breathed Scripture into being through human authors. He is able by the Holy Spirit to guide and teach you through the Bible. Confused or lost? Ask Him to make the Bible clear and meaningful to you. 


5. Pray it matters.

God's Word is living and active. It can make a difference guiding our daily life, giving us strength, comfort and aid when we apply it. Pray for God to reveal the Word to where you live and breathe. To build you up and give you hope in whatever circumstance you are in.

By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. … 2 Peter 1:3-4 NLT

As you dialogue with God, may you find that His Word comes alive to you. May it fill your heart with peace and give you a longing to know more about Him and His Word. These seasons of longing for God are amazing. Seek this and rest in this.

Up Next: Practical Starter Guide for Inductive Bible Study

Previous Post: Trust the Bible Because of these Dead Guys



1. Which of the five suggestions attract you?

2. Have you ever prayed following these guidelines? Do you think it might help you as you read? Why or why not?

3. Write a prayer using these 5 points. Try it out today.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Trust the Bible Because of these Dead Guys


The Big Idea: Five groups of people were especially attentive to keep the Bible copies accurate.

Nitpickers of history checked and double checked Bible copies

The Bible has been around for thousands of years. Could it possibly be accurate, you might ask? Yes! The Bible has a fascinating history. Here are the stories a few guys who had a hand in preserving its accuracy. Perhaps their stories might encourage your confidence in the powerful, miraculous Word of God!

1. The Scribes

After the Hebrew people were taken captive, and saw Jerusalem and the temple destroyed between 500-600 B.C., the Biblical vocation of Scribe emerged. It was critical to preserve the books of the Old Testament accurately. They verified word count, they spoke each word they wrote aloud, there were thirty day reviews. Any inaccurate copies were burned.


2. The Essenes

This subdivision of Hebrews lived in community near the Dead Sea (200 B.C. to 200 A.D.). Archeological finds at the community of Qumran indicate they were highly organized. Concerned that the correct way of Bible interpretation and worship was getting corrupted, they set out to safeguard the pure word of God.  Many of their preserved copies of books of the Bible were discovered in clay pots in 1947, known now as the Dead Sea Scrolls.


3. The Monks

Mont Saint Michel, France

Saint Benedict (480-547 A.D.) was a gentle, disciplined holy man with a passion for the Bible. He  gathered holy men in community to study, teach and write down the Bible, which back in that era, still had to be hand copied. The Rules of Saint Benedict established guidelines for monastic living which monks follow to this day. Monasteries had a Scriptorium, a well lit room for monks to copy the Bible word for word.


4. The Masorites

Jewish scholars, many from the same family, did more than meticulously copy the Old Testament books (500-1000 A.D). They established consistency in spelling, reading and division of passages. They counted words and syllables and made pronunciation marks and grammar guides. The Masoritic texts are guidelines to this day for Bible scholars and translators.


5. Johannes Gutenberg

Books were hand copied until a German named Gutenberg (1400-1468 A.D.)  invented a press about 1450 using mobile type to reproduce books. His first printed book was the Bible. It was a game changer for Bible copies to be a consistent text going out to multiple churches.

These groups of people and individuals are key examples of those who stood guard and made sure that the Bible you read today is extremely accurate. From the time they were originally penned, to each copy that was made, it has been preserved for you and me! The Word of God, this real and active Word from God, is for each one of us to know beyond doubt that God wants to connect with us. Explore the living, dynamic Word today!

Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection. Do not add to his words, or he may rebuke you and expose you as a liar. Proverbs 30: 5-6


Up Next:  Jumpstart Reading Your Bible

Previous Post: Key Questions to Help you Read the Bible



1. What kind of documents do you safeguard? Why are they important to you or your descendents?

2. Have you ever thought about the day when there were very few Bibles around, and few people could read? What might that have been like?

3. Take a moment to thank God for those who made sure that they Bible was kept accurate through the ages.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Key Questions to Help You Read the Bible


The Big Idea: Use 5 questions to guide you as you read the Bible.

Reading the Bible shouldn't be hard!

Have you ever opened the Bible because you felt you should, but you weren't sure what you were reading or how to study it? Don't you sometimes wish you had a private tutor or that Siri knew more about theology?

The Bible is the living Word of God with words of wisdom to grapple with for our everyday lives. It CAN be relevant when you open yourself to the Holy Spirit's impression on your soul. The Holy Spirit was key, breathing every thought to the human authors what to say, which they then wrote down in their own words.

Above all, you must realize that no prophecy in Scripture ever came from the prophet’s own understanding, or from human initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God. 2 Peter 1:20-21 (NLT)

First ask God, the Holy Spirit, to speak to you as you read, opening up your mind and heart to understand. Expect Him to do this.

Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. Luke 24:45 (NLT)

A couple key questions can get you on the road to relevancy and understanding.

1. Who wrote this book and to whom did they write?

Often the author's name, audience and a brief explanation is found in the first 1-2 verses of the book in the first chapter. Or you can find an introduction from a study Bible. You Version has an online introduction for each book when you use the New International Version.


2. What is being said about God in these verses?

Do you see something about God's character? Does He reveal more of Himself? Is there a promise He makes to His people? A declaration of truth?


3. What is observed about human nature in this passage?

The Bible is loaded with real people, not heroes that do everything right. People mess up pretty badly in the Bible. You learn a lot reading it about human nature, sin, temptation, frailties and discouragement, mistakes and family squabbles. God still seems to take great interest in us and wants to know us and intervene in our lives for His glorious purposes.


4. Is there a key word or phrases important to this passage?

Often if a word or phrases is repeated over and over, it is for a purpose. The author wants to grab the attention of the audience and explain what is important. What might this word or phrase be about? What does this word mean to you?


5. What is God saying to me?

It's OK if something profound doesn't jump out at you, but it is a good question to ask. What resonates with you from this reading? What surprises you? What brings you joy?


May you find great satisfaction reading the Bible. If you are not sure where to begin reading, check out this blog I posted a few weeks ago. May you discover so much you can't contain your pleasure!


Up Next: Trust the Bible Because of these Dead Guys

Previous Post: Have Problems with the Bible?



1. Is there a question here you never thought of before? How might this question be useful to you in your observation of the Bible?

2. Could you try this with a verse or two as sample, or test? Check out this verse. Remember to pray first for guidance.

By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires. 1 Peter 1:3-4 (NLT)

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Have Problems with the Bible?

The big idea: A response to reasons people give to disregard the Bible.

Why should I read the Bible?

Many find reading the Bible tough. People unfamiliar with it find it challenging for various reasons. Some believers also find a lack desire to read it or questions of its reliability. Recognize any of these?

  • Isn't it full of errors?
  • It's so old! It doesn't seem relevant today
  • I'm not interested in religion
  • It's boring
  • It's mysterious
  • I'm too busy

Let's take a look at these.

1. Isn't it full of errors?

Actually the Bible is very accurate. Doubt of accuracy stems from certain scholars who assume God is not real. They explain its inaccuracy due to its age, wide variety of authors/eras explaining it’s supposed in accuracy at great length. In reality the Bible which was written and recopied had so many checks and balances, the more recently discovered copies (The Dead Sea Scrolls) are remarkably accurate. Recent archeological finds and historical revelations prove more and more accuracy. Check out Ken Boa's helpful article. 

2. It's so old! It doesn't seem relevant today.

The Bible written hundreds of centuries ago to an ancient audience and setting was unlike our world. Scholars find it valuable for historical records and culture. Despite the ancient setting, themes, life lessons, principles and revelation about God, His desire to rescue us and be our friend crosses the ages. It helps to study cultural written periods to understand the intended message, but it is not limited by that. You may find one of my previous blogs helpful on 5 Steps to finding Biblical Timeless Truths.  Read the Bible seeking what you can learn about God and man.

3. I'm not interested in religion.

The book has been a best seller for centuries for both its stories and guidelines for life. Many historical figures many people already know such as David and Bathsheba. The central figure, Jesus, has been hailed by many world leaders and writers as the most influential person ever to walk the earth. You owe it to yourself to explore what the hype is about. The story contained therein is about more than religion.

4. It's boring.

There have been so many movies made about Biblical stories. There is a lot of action in many of the narrative accounts. If you read a very old version of the Bible, it may be clumsy reading for your mind. Try a more modern translation such as the New Living Translation.

5. It's mysterious.

Yes it is. The Bible is brilliant because of simplicity that children can understand, and complexities that challenge Christians who can discover a multitude of applications to a single verse. I have loved a verse from childhood, bringing truth and comfort to me in a fresh new way during various stages of my life. That is the magnificence of the Holy Spirit. We don't understand every detail, but then, we are not God. The first step of comprehension is trust.

The wisdom we speak of is the mystery of God—his plan that was previously hidden, even though he made it for our ultimate glory before the world began. 1 Corinthians 2:7

6. I'm too busy.

In the complex era in which we live, life pulls us many directions. Even so, the Bible is more accessible to us now than in any previous era. One can listen to an audio Bible online, or watch a video with word for word narration of the Bible. One can read it in most any language or translation online. Reading one verse a day is how I got started. If you cannot do that, the issue is clearly that you choose not to.

 Up Next: Key Questions to help you Read the Bible

Previous Post: Where do I start?



1. What do you think of the Bible? What has shaped your understanding or lack of interest in it?

2. On a scale of 1-10 how much do you have interest in the Bible? What one thought do you think is a good point that might nudge you toward giving it more honor?


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Where Do I Start?


The Big Idea: Tips for someone new to reading the Bible who wonders where to start.


Like a Mini-Library

Considering reading the Bible? It is not an epic novel. It's more like a mini-library or a magazine.  Some pick it up to read it cover to cover and get bogged down in the book of Leviticus. That reads like a legal document! It's good background material but difficult reading for the novice.

The Bible has 66 books (Old Testament - 39 and New Testament - 27). Written over a thousand year span with varied themes and literary styles. The Old Testament is the back story to the New Testament. The New Testament explains how the Old Testament is fulfilled. Each is important to the other.


Start Here

1. The Gospel of John. It tells about the life of Jesus and His mission to mankind.

2. Genesis. The first book of the Bible is about the first man and woman, first sin, first murder, and so on. It is background for God and His love for people.

3. Ephesians. This writing from the Apostle Paul gives insight for how to live as God's people.

4. Proverbs. Practical advice for everyday life.

The four recommended books expose you to the Old and New Testament. Both are important. The New Testament may be more practical for a beginner. Reading one chapter a day in these four books would take just over 3 months (108 total chapters). 


Tips to Begin

1. Choose an easy-to-read Bible version. Electronic Bibles give options. The New Living Translation (NLT) is recommended. Whatever hard copy Bible you have works. All of the Bible is valuable. The King James version reads like people talked 200+ years ago. It's beautiful but some words are difficult to understand. Find one you love.

2. Find a consistent time to read each day. Choose a time when you can focus. That might be first thing in the morning, at a lunch break or night time after the kids are tucked in.

3. Find a comfortable place that is not distracting. Have a pen to jot down or underline what touches your heart or raises questions.

4. Decide where to start reading. Will you read one chapter a day? One paragraph? One or two verses? Or just read till something touches the need of your heart?  You can also listen to an audio Bible.

5. Ask a friend to join you. You can read the same passages separately. Then talk about your experience together.

6. Pray first and pray last. Before beginning, ask God to guide you and give you understanding. When done, pray, asking God to help you to live by His Word and for His strength.

May this give you courage to dig in!

 Up Next: Have Problems With the Bible?

Previous Post: Why Read the Bible?



1. Are these suggestions helpful or overwhelming? Why? If overwhelming could you take baby steps and start somewhere?

2. Which of the four books to read excites you most?