Showing posts with label History of the Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History of the Bible. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The DaVinci Code: Why were numerous books not accepted in the Bible?

 Why were numerous books not included in the Bible?

Big Idea: The Bible differs from The DaVinci Code in that the Bible claims to be inspired by God and books included need to reflect that premise.

“Ask Anything About the Bible” is our newest blog series. A friend recently presented this question to me.

How Do the Assertions of the DaVinci Code stack up with the Bible?

The Bible, a tome of sixty-six books, is in sync within itself with God’s core purpose.

The popular book and movie of the early 2000s, The DaVinci Code, strongly asserts that many more books should have been included in the Bible but church leaders have wanted writings to confirm their own agenda.

It is not a new concept as the question has been asked as early as Bible times before Christ.

The DaVinci Code vs. the historical Bible

The Bible and The DaVinci Code start with very different premises.

The DaVinci Code
claims the Bible is a man made historical record, totally fragmented by gross tweaking and rewriting through the centuries.

Dan Brown’s DaVinci Code character, the historian Sir Leigh Teabing, says in the book:

“The Bible is a product of man, my dear. Not of God. The Bible did not fall magically from the clouds. Man created it as a historical record of tumultuous times, and it has evolved through countless translations, additions, and revisions. History has never had a definitive version of the book...” The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown

The Bible claims all books in it were written by human beings inspired by God to write in their own style the words of God Himself.

Above all, you must realize that no prophecy in Scripture ever came from the prophet’s own understanding, or from human initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God. 2 Peter 1:20-21 NLT

The DaVinci Code vs. Bible History

1. The DaVinci Code: The book repeatedly says the church through the years has dominated and re-written the Bible to control their belief structure.

Bible History: The Old Testament was a cohesive body of work chosen by holy men hundreds of years before the New Testament. The New Testament was decided by Christians within a couple hundred years after Jesus’ death and resurrection. Both Testaments had numerous books debated about for inclusion or exclusion.

Book approval was based on cohesiveness to the rest of the Bible. Synchronization was most important to the Torah, to Jesus’ life and teachings, and that of the Apostles. The process was called Canonization and the final product was called the canon.

2. The DaVinci Code: The book claims the Nicean Council in 325 A.D. narrowly voted that Jesus is God. Before that everyone knew He was only a man. Emperor Constantine considered this an agenda for military dominance so he destroyed these conflicting books.

Bible History: The Nicean Council of 325 A.D. narrowly voted on one aspect of Jesus’ deity. Even Arius, who believed Jesus was created by God the Father and not of the same substance of God the Father, still believed Jesus was holy and divine sent from God. Council attendee records we still have today verify this. Constantine is not recorded to have ordered and carried out a mass destruction of religious books.


3. The DaVinci Code: The book claims that the Bible has been changed continually to suit the church’s agenda.

Bible History: The Bible has changed very little even in the early first and second century there was predominantly agreement. The final the New Testament Canon, and therefore the entire Bible, was considered complete and closed to additions by the end of the 300s A.D.

The rules to copy had strict codes in both the Old Testament and New Testament period and well beyond.

The Qumran scrolls which The DaVinci Code referred to verified miniscule changes in the Old Testament books. The writings found were written in the pre-New Testament period so stories of Jesus were not in those writings.

New Testament handwritten scrolls were in monumental number until the advent of the Guttenberg printing press. They are incredibly accurate comparing one text to the other. Examples of existing mistakes are on par with a number with an extra zero or a misspelling.


4. The DaVinci Code: The book asserts that many gospels were not allowed because Emperor Constantine and the church intentionally silenced them because of conflict with their desire for power and their desired rhetoric.

Bible History: Many extra gospels were scrutinized by early church leaders. Those that did not get added were not added for various reasons.

Some were not in sync with things Jesus and the Apostles taught. A unified message from God was considered important. Gnosticism was a sect in early church history with a lot of writing that was not in sync with the Bible’s view of Jesus (Arian, referred to earlier at the Nicean Council, was a Gnostic).

Some writings were obviously fraudulent. Other gospels showed up in the second and third century claiming to be from eyewitnesses, but were obviously written in a later period.

Some writings provided good background to life in Jesus’ day in the first century but were not considered on par as God’s divine message.

Emperor Constantine had no influence over the Old Testament inclusion. That was decided before the time of Christ. Constantine did initiate the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. for the purpose of a resolution of discord in the church regarding Aryanism. That council did not choose Biblical texts for the Bible. None of those original records and eyewitness writings mention Biblical texts being questioned.

The gamut from many other gods to no God at all

People have come up with their own variation of God since the beginning of the Bible.

In more modern times, people have asked if there even is a God. 

Is this God of the Bible a sham or made up to make weak minded people feel good?

Did He really influence human beings to write the Bible? 

Throughout the Bible there have been many, many gods, powers, and angels, often in conflict with the one referred to as the Lord God Almighty. These have also dominated ancient lore.

They have gone toe to toe with God in various stories of the Bible.  These stories have defined for us that God is much greater is much better than any other powers and deities.

There have always been doubters

The Gospel of John indicated that Jesus said several times there would be doubters. Here is an example.

If you really believed Moses, you would believe me, because he wrote about me. But since you don’t believe what he wrote, how will you believe what I say?” John 5:46-47 NLT

For many, the journey to understanding the truth and benefits of the Bible has been a process of sincere seeking and serious study of the Bible itself.

Consider spending some time reading the source directly. If you would like to start reading, I would suggest beginning with the Gospel of John, reading in a more modern Bible translation such as the New Living Translation. Consider downloading this free Bible app from

Have a question to submit for a future Blog (or any other questions for Diane)? Email or post it on the Scripture Spy Facebook page


Previous: What is the Purpose of the Bible
Up next: Bible Stories: In the Bible or fragments pieced together?


What has influenced you most about your opinion of the Bible? Is it what you watch or read from various sources or have you gone to the Bible itself? 

Would you consider reading it for yourself?

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The James Bond of Scripture Spies / William Tyndale

Big Idea: William Tyndale was inspired by Martin Luther to get the Bible into the hands of the Average Joe, at any cost.

The Dangerous Secret that can Change Hearts

Like James Bond, William Tyndale (c. 1492-1536) was an Englishman. They were both brave and cautious with dangerous secrets, for a higher calling.

Like John Wycliffe, William Tyndale was an Oxford man. He was a smart scholar, ordained as a priest.

Tyndale believed the Bible would change man’s heart.

Tyndale’s single-minded passion

His single-minded passion was to put an English Bible in every household.

A fellow scholar told Tyndale people are better without God’s law, than without the Pope.

“If God spares my life,” Tyndale retorted, “I will cause the boy that drives a plow to know more of Scripture than you do!”

Trouble with King Henry VIII

Reformers such as Luther and Tyndale prepared a Bible of original language accuracy, to be available for everyone to read.

The Catholic hierarchy saw new Biblical translations emerging with concern because they were not given the opportunity to verify these new works. They wondered how the uneducated would interpret what they read.

Infamous, gluttonous Henry VIII, who went through six wives, was King of England then. The King broke with the Pope, and declared himself over England’s church.

At first, King Henry liked Tyndale translating the Bible into understandable English. But when Tyndale criticized the frivolous way King Henry got rid of wives, King Henry was incensed.

Ultimately King Henry VIII was behind Tyndale’s death.

The Pocket New Testament

Few people, except for scholars, could read. A congregation was lucky to have a huge Latin Bible chained to the pulpit.

Tyndale fled England with his translation in progress. Martin Luther’s small German New Testament was recently printed. Tyndale coveted a pocket English New Testament for England.

Smuggled Bibles, close calls

First Tyndale went to Cologne, Germany, and got the New Testament printing started. English agents found and destroyed it and Tyndale escaped with just a few portions.

A year later it printed successfully in Worms, Germany. Portions of New Testaments were hidden in wine barrels and as cloth goods and smuggled into England.

The head bishop in England discovered the contraband Bible and bought up all they could find, burning them.

By the next year Tyndale used the earnings to finance the next printing. 3000 New Testaments showed up around England.

English agents constantly tried to catch and arrest him. Tyndale, constantly on the move, was translating the Old Testament. Moving by sea he was shipwrecked, losing precious books and Old Testament manuscripts, having to start all over again.

A couple years later the first five books of the Old Testament showed up around England.

The wolf in sheep’s clothing

One of King Henry’s agents found Tyndale and befriended him, feigning common interest. Tyndale was trapped when his host was away, arrested and thrown into a Belgium prison for over a year.

After a short trial, he was strangled to death and then burned at the stake.

The Legacy

Upon his death Encyclopedia Britannica says over 18,000 Tyndale New Testaments had been printed. Very few remain after being hunted down and burned.

Still, Tyndale’s Bible was consulted as the Geneva Bible and King James Version were translated a century later.

Tyndale balanced a translation with scholarly accuracy, worded plainly and literarily pleasing. Quite a feat!


Up next: See you next September!
Previous post: How the Bible went viral in the 1500s! / Martin Luther


1. What would you consider the hardest experience Tyndale had to endure?

2. Tyndale’s translation was “balanced the translation with scholarly accuracy, worded for plain understanding and literarily pleasing.” Why are each of these points important in a Bible?


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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

How the Bible Went Viral in the 1500s / Martin Luther

Big Idea: Martin Luther desired every person to read the Bible which he called “the clear pure Word of God,” and people snatched up his German Bible in great numbers.

Larger-than-life World Changer

There are thousands of books and articles on the larger-than-life, bold world changer, Martin Luther (1483-1546) who inadvertently kicked off the Protestant Reformation.

This Scripture Spy’s greatest effort was getting the Bible into the hands of average citizens.

Law student, Martin Luther, became a monk as a vow while in peril.

“St. Ann, if you deliver me from this storm I’ll become a monk!”

Six Simple Words

In monastic studies he read Wycliffe’s and Hus’ writings who desired to get the Bible to the people, have less worldly power to church hierarchy and stop selling salvation for money (Indulgences).

Selling indulgences to grant a pass out of hell for anyone dead or alive infuriated him.

He didn’t intend to leave the Catholic Church. He wanted to reform the insane hold the Church had in that era on money, power and truth.

However six simple words changed him forever.

The just shall live by faith. Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:7, Galatians 3:11

His obsession to earn God’s favor melted away in simple faith. He became obsessed for others to read and know Biblical simple truths to live by.

Critical dynamics for Luther’s German Bible Success

1. Hidden in a Castle

When Luther wrote the great hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is our God,” he was most likely visualizing the Wartburg Castle where he was hidden almost 3 years.

Luther nailed 95 Challenges (Theses) against the Catholic Church on the door of a German Church. The incensed Pope responded to stand down or be excommunicated. Heresy penalty: burned at the stake.

Incorrigible Luther burned the Pope’s bulletin. He was ordered to a major hearing (The Diet of Worms).

The meeting was intense. His final statement was “Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me, Amen.”
The room and desk where Luther worked

A hood was thrown over his startled head, and he was “kidnapped” to a Castle arranged by a worried benefactor.

He was an outlaw now of church and state with a death threat. Like a spy he was given the alias "Sir George" during seclusion at the Castle.

With time on his hands he translated the Bible into German.

Unexpected time sometimes gives busy people the opportunity to do what’s important.

2. Straight from the Source

John Wycliffe’s English Bible translation was based on the Latin Vulgate Bible. Jan Hus did the same with the Czech Bible.

Desiderious Erasmus (1466-1536), a Dutch priest, also wanted the Bible to be understood and useful. His skill was languages, philosophy and theology; a Renaissance man.

He made the Greek New Testament user friendly for scholars. He corresponded often with Luther.

Luther used Erasmus’ Greek New Testament to translate it into German. He used Hebrew for the Old Testament. This crafted a more reliable translation since it was from its’ original source.

3. The Printing Press

Only a few years prior to the completion of Luther’s New Testament, Guttenberg created the movable type printing press. It allowed mass production of books, articles and announcements.

Luther’s 95 theses got translated to German and printed copies were distributed among the people before the Pope ever saw it. 

It went viral (spreading very quickly).

People could not get enough of Luther’s writing!

Luther’s German New Testament, then the entire German Bible was mass produced. It got into German homes everywhere. It changed people creating longing for the Bible.

Luther’s most popular book next to the Bible, Indulgences and Grace was reprinted 22 times in his lifetime.

Coming out of the Dark Ages into the Renaissance Period, people were ripe for truth and power given to the average person to gain knowledge and understanding. 

It was the 1500s and it was time for the Bible to go viral.

Got Questions: Who Was Martin Luther?
Several movies
Luther (2003) Full length
Martin Luther  Full length


Up next: The James Bond of Scripture Spies / William Tyndale
Previous post: The Goose is Cooked / Jan Hus


1. Did you have extra time on your hands during the Covid lockdown? What did you do with this unexpected time?

My times are in your hands; deliver me… Psalm 31:15a NIV

2. Consider a new appreciation for the Bible in your language. What would it be like to receive it for the first time?

When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight. Nehemiah 15:16 NLT



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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Goose is Cooked / Jan Hus


Big Idea: Bohemian priest Jan Hus was burned at the stake because of criticism of Catholic church leader lifestyle and a push for Bible teaching in local languages.

Brave Scripture Spy Burned at the Stake

Jan Hus (~1372-1415) was a Bohemian priest in Medieval times.

Born in poverty, he became a priest seeking a better life. At the University of Prague he was a sharp minded student.

Studying the Bible, the discrepancy between the Bible and the practice of church leaders accumulating property and lavish living bothered him.

The princess mail-order bride

King Richard II of England, just 15 years old, was encouraged to marry. He heard about Princess Anne of Bohemia’s kindness and love of reading. He sent a messenger requesting her hand.

They were both 15 when they married (1382) . They were inseparable. She died 12 years later of the Black Plague. The king was inconsolable.

The Queen Anne connection brought Czech students to study at Oxford where they met John Wycliffe and read his writings. His works were brought back to Prague.

Jan Hus read Wycliffe’s writings which resonated with his beliefs about the lavishness of the church and the need for the common man to hear the Bible. It emboldened him.

Bethlehem Chapel

Bethlehem Chapel in Prague became Jan’s first position as a priest where all preaching and teaching was done in Czech, which was unusual in that day.

The sale of indulgences where the church made money forgiving sins vexed him.

Writing and speaking against these outrageous practices brought him under fire from the church. He was excommunicated numerous times.

The End

At the Council of Constance (1414-1418) he was promised safe passage but got thrown into prison. Jan hope to defend himself using Scripture among Biblical scholars.

Seen as a threat to the church, they demanded he take back his beliefs. He would not.

He was brought out of town and burned at the stake (July 1315), singing Psalms, and forgiving his captors.


Shocked, the Bohemian church separated from the Roman Church. That lead a period called the Hussite wars (~1419-1478) killing those who followed Jan Hus and John Wycliffe and burning their works.

Almost a century later, Martin Luther read Jan Hus’ works and resonated with it. The call for church reform and a Bible to be understood by the people was as a chain of events from Wycliffe to Hus,  Luther and others.

The name Hus means “goose” in Czech. Luther’s family crest includes a swan. Martin Luther noted that near Hus’death, he stated,  “You may kill a goose today but 100 years from now will come a swan you cannot burn.”

Luther considered this to be prophetic of him. Today Lutheran churches in Europe have a swan upon the steeple.

Movie: John Huss: A Journey of No Return
More information: Got Questions? Who is Jan Hus?

Up next: How the Bible Went Viral in the 1500s
Previous post: First Prize Goes to the Oxford Man


1. What do you see in common between John Wycliffe and Jan Hus?

2. How might Jan Hus inspire you?


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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

First Prize Goes to the Oxford Man! / John Wycliffe

 Painting of John Wycliffe with a blue ribbon

The Big Idea: Dark Ages Oxford professor John Wycliffe was the first to translate the Bible into English, convicted that people needed it in their own language.

Better Than Being Burned Alive!

The first English Bible was translated by John Wycliffe (1330-1384) and his students during the 1380s. But it was not without peril.

Wycliffe was lucky not to have been burned as a heretic in his lifetime.

                                                                                            The British Library 

His influence angered the Catholic Church so much, thirty-four years after his death his bones were ordered dug up and burned.

…which, I must admit, seems far preferable to being burned alive.

                                                                                  Christian History Made Easy, Jones, T.P.

A devastating era

England was in its 100 year war with France. The Black Plague lasted for YEARS. The Peasant’s Revolt began, killing authority figures.

A Pope was in Rome. Another established himself in Avignon, France. Avignon was building a huge glorious palace for their Pope.

Most Popular Professor

Teenage Wycliffe went to Oxford. Oxford spanned his life from being a student to a beloved popular professor.

He specialized in Biblical studies, making the Bible alive and relevant. He was convinced it represented God and His authoritative word.

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NLT

He was an Englishman and a Franciscan. He was both loved and hated.

He was loved. He was hated.

He was loved by a wide mix of people. His students hung on his every word. Country preachers gathered around him to be mentored.

Prominent people had his back and rescued him on numerous dangerous occasions, like John of Guant, and both King Richard II’s mother, and first wife, Queen Anne of Bohemia.

As he discerned the Papacy and church hierarchy to be out of step with the Bible in its opulence and control, he infuriated every Pope during his ministry with his writings.


John Wycliffe's strong conviction of the Bible

1. Wycliffe believed the Bible is our highest authority.

Forasmuch as the Bible contains Christ, that is all that is necessary for salvation, it is necessary for all men, not for priests alone. It alone is the supreme law that is to rule Church, State, and Christian life, without human traditions and statutes.
                                                  John Wycliffe

2. Wycliffe believed God wants everyone to hear the Bible in their mother tongue.

Englishmen learn Christ's law best in English. Moses heard God's law in his own tongue; so did Christ's apostles.                                                                                                                                 John Wycliffe

3. Wycliffe’s 5-step method of Bible study was similar to our Inductive Bible Study.

Obtain a reliable text, understand the logic of Scripture, compare the parts of Scripture with one another, maintain an attitude of humble seeking, and receive the instruction of the Spirit.

                                                                                                 John Wycliffe

Wycliffe translated the Bible into English

Wycliffe spent his last years translating the Bible into English with the help of his followers. He died of a stroke when he was in his 50s (1384). His followers completed it.

The Bible translation agency that has been instrumental in translating the Bible around the world, Wycliffe Bible Translators, named their organization after him.

Long lasting impact

Wycliffe organized his followers to go to country villages two-by-two while barefoot, simply dressed with little in their possession. They preached in English quoting the Bible in English, with practical instruction.

After Wycliffe died, these men carried out the message and passion of Wycliffe for the Bible so intensely, church authorities harassed them and killed several of them. 

Finally in 1428 the Pope ordered the Church to dig up and burn his bones.

Wycliffe was a Catholic priest who intended to bring holiness and Bible relevancy to the Catholic Church in Medieval times. 

Over a century before Martin Luther was born, Wycliffe championed a message that forever changed the church for access to the Bible and a simple life guided by the Bible. 

He is often referred to as the Morningstar of the Reformation.

For more on his life:
Got Questions?  Who was John Wycliffe?
Full movie (1hr 15 min)  John Wycliffe: The Morning Star


Up next: The Goose is Cooked
Previous post: Imagine not being able to read the Bible


1. What are your impressions of John Wycliffe? 

2. Can you visualize how groundbreaking his teaching was for the everyday person? What do you think life was like from what you know of the Dark Ages? Do you think he was able to bring light into darkness?

3. Spend a little time reflecting on these two verses from Isaiah.

The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; Those who live in a dark land, The light will shine on them. Isaiah 9:2 NASB

I will lead those who are blind by a way they have not known, in paths they have not known I will guide them. I will turn darkness into light before them and uneven land into plains. These are the things I will do, And I will not leave them undone.” Isaiah 42:16 NASB


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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Imagine Not Being Able to Read the Bible

The Big Idea: The Bible which used to be in Latin and Greek throughout the world, was put into our language because of daring Scripture spies who risked everything.

Imagine not being about to read the Bible!

Imagine not being able to read the Bible for yourself! Long, long ago, the average person did not know how to read the Bible, or anything else.

There were very few copies of the Bible available and what existed was in Latin or Greek.

My husband, raised in the Roman Catholic Church, recalls Latin masses. One of his neighbors brought the Sunday paper to church every Sunday and read during the service because he understood nothing spoken or read!

How do I know I’m not cursing myself?

The first 1500 years after Christ were like the neighbor's experience. The 2 ruling churches from the East (Orthodox, favoring Greek) and the West (Roman Catholic, favoring Latin) saw putting the Bible into the language of the people as suspect.

“They don’t have the clerical education to interpret it!”
Churches preached in Greek or Latin and offered communion, conducted baptisms and weddings as such.

But as a Muslim friend of mine puts it, “I have to read the Koran and pray in Arabic. How do I know I’m not cursing myself with the very words I speak?”

The Dark Ages were… well, dark

The Dark Ages (~500-1400 A.D.) had a grip of darkness over mankind. Life was hard and people died too easily. The Viking conquests, the Black Plague, and the Crusades were some time markers.

The Church, instead of bringing comfort and hope to the masses, bickered and controlled Sovereigns and money. And they preached in a language people did not understand.

But God always keeps a remnant! Not silent, God works through humble people with a passion for Him.

The next month we'll briefly look at those who risked even life to make God known. Single minded in their fervor, they tried to get the Bible into the language of the people.

These folks are why we have the Bible in our hands today.

Daring Scripture Spies

As we look at the lives of these Scripture Spies, they share these five traits in varying degrees.

 1. A longing for the average Joe to know God

2. Compelled by God to change people’s lives

3. Challenging the status quo

4. In danger, hunted down, life threatened

5. Instrumental in pointing people to know God 

Bonus: Influencer on thousands through the centuries


Up next: First Prize goes to the Oxford man!
Previous post: The most remarkable after death appearances


1. Imagine you can’t read anything. Imagine everything you hear at church is in a language you don’t know. How do you keep the faith?

2. Does the Bible seem like gobbly-gook sometimes, even when you’re reading it in your language? Have you tried another translation? Compare a couple of verses in different translations (like the New Living Translation) and ask yourself if that enhances understanding for you. (You can find other translations of the same verse from


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send your email address to

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Trust the Bible Because of these Dead Guys


The Big Idea: Five groups of people were especially attentive to keep the Bible copies accurate.

Nitpickers of history checked and double checked Bible copies

The Bible has been around for thousands of years. Could it possibly be accurate, you might ask? Yes! The Bible has a fascinating history. Here are the stories a few guys who had a hand in preserving its accuracy. Perhaps their stories might encourage your confidence in the powerful, miraculous Word of God!

1. The Scribes

After the Hebrew people were taken captive, and saw Jerusalem and the temple destroyed between 500-600 B.C., the Biblical vocation of Scribe emerged. It was critical to preserve the books of the Old Testament accurately. They verified word count, they spoke each word they wrote aloud, there were thirty day reviews. Any inaccurate copies were burned.


2. The Essenes

This subdivision of Hebrews lived in community near the Dead Sea (200 B.C. to 200 A.D.). Archeological finds at the community of Qumran indicate they were highly organized. Concerned that the correct way of Bible interpretation and worship was getting corrupted, they set out to safeguard the pure word of God.  Many of their preserved copies of books of the Bible were discovered in clay pots in 1947, known now as the Dead Sea Scrolls.


3. The Monks

Mont Saint Michel, France

Saint Benedict (480-547 A.D.) was a gentle, disciplined holy man with a passion for the Bible. He  gathered holy men in community to study, teach and write down the Bible, which back in that era, still had to be hand copied. The Rules of Saint Benedict established guidelines for monastic living which monks follow to this day. Monasteries had a Scriptorium, a well lit room for monks to copy the Bible word for word.


4. The Masorites

Jewish scholars, many from the same family, did more than meticulously copy the Old Testament books (500-1000 A.D). They established consistency in spelling, reading and division of passages. They counted words and syllables and made pronunciation marks and grammar guides. The Masoritic texts are guidelines to this day for Bible scholars and translators.


5. Johannes Gutenberg

Books were hand copied until a German named Gutenberg (1400-1468 A.D.)  invented a press about 1450 using mobile type to reproduce books. His first printed book was the Bible. It was a game changer for Bible copies to be a consistent text going out to multiple churches.

These groups of people and individuals are key examples of those who stood guard and made sure that the Bible you read today is extremely accurate. From the time they were originally penned, to each copy that was made, it has been preserved for you and me! The Word of God, this real and active Word from God, is for each one of us to know beyond doubt that God wants to connect with us. Explore the living, dynamic Word today!

Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection. Do not add to his words, or he may rebuke you and expose you as a liar. Proverbs 30: 5-6


Up Next:  Jumpstart Reading Your Bible

Previous Post: Key Questions to Help you Read the Bible



1. What kind of documents do you safeguard? Why are they important to you or your descendents?

2. Have you ever thought about the day when there were very few Bibles around, and few people could read? What might that have been like?

3. Take a moment to thank God for those who made sure that they Bible was kept accurate through the ages.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Biden’s Bible

The Big Idea: Those sworn into office often use a special Bible. The Bibles chosen teach us a bit about Bible history through the centuries. 

Biden's Family Bible

Today when President Biden was sworn in, he chose a precious family heirloom that has been in his family since 1893. A five inch or so thick family Bible with clasps of Celtic crosses. Presidents and other State officials are not required to be sworn in on a Bible. They can choose a meaningful book if they wish. Most choose a Bible and some ask that it be opened to a verse in the Psalms or another verse special to them. The President elect is privy to choose a historic Bible from our nation's history. The most used Bible is the one that George Washington used. Another popular choice is a Bible of Abraham Lincoln. A Bible chosen can reflect a bit about the spiritual history of our nation as well as the sacredness of the oath.

President Biden chose a Bible that has been important in his family. It has all the important family events written in it, and it has been used every time he was sworn in to an office. There is a photo of him with the Bible in 1973 when he was sworn in to the Senate. His son Beau Biden also used this family Bible when he was sworn into office. I may be presuming, but I believe that in this choice, President Biden has hopes that he can have an impact on unifying and building up the American family, the family of our nation and the nuclear family of American households. Whatever that looks like in our diverse world, focus on the family is where we should find safety, love and belonging.

The Family Bible is a Douey Reimes Haydock Edition. The Douey Reimes translation has traditionally been used by Catholics. The Haydock Edition is remarkable in that it includes a Catholic Commentary, an Illustrated Catholic Bible Dictionary, and a history of each book of the Bible. It also has charts and tables of measurements and other subjects. The comments make up a considerable part of the Bible pages and in it was considered a superb guide to understanding the Holy Word of God. It is hopeful to think that back in its day it was poured over when there was little else to read, and brought insight and comfort to American families.

President Biden is the second Catholic President to become an American President. Some remember when the first Catholic President was elected, JFK. At the time there were those who thought life as we knew it as believers was coming to a close. I am thankful for a President today who takes his faith seriously and regularly attends church, even if his practice of it is a bit different than mine. I pray for him to go to God when he is heavy, with a need for guidance. May he surround himself with wise counselors.

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior. I Timothy 2: 1-4 NLT

Up Next: MRI Meditations - First in a new series, Surviving by Scripture

Previous Post: Scripture Interprets Scripture



1. Does your family have a Bible that has been passed on in the family? Have you ever considered the history of its use? Do you have Bible verses, prayers and faith practices that you pass on to your children?

2. Do you pray for your president, not matter if you agree with him or not? Please join me in praying for our president that the Lord will guide him and draw him closer in a relationship with Him. Pray that he will be a wise leader.