The Big Idea: Why there are so many translation today and how to choose one for my studies.
For over a century the King James Version of the Bible was read
in most English Speaking churches. Today
there are so many excellent translations it is hard choose one. There are at
least 50 decent translations. Some are very similar. Some sound very different
from each other. Why so many? And why doesn't everyone just settle on one to
1000 A.D.
In the days of the Early Church, the Old Testament was
available in Hebrew, translated into Greek a couple hundred years before Jesus
was born (the Septuagint). The New Testament was written in Greek. Greek was
clearly a widely used language in many countries, especially among the educated
and literate. In 400 A.D. A Latin
translation (later version called the Vulgate) was carefully translated. Latin was another
language used globally for the educated.
The early Middle Ages is sometimes called the Dark Ages. It
was a time of feudalism, a church of hierarchy and territorial demands, and the
Plague of Black Death. Out of it came Martin Luther (1483-1546 A.D.), a monk
who wanted people to know God for themselves and learn the Bible in their own
language. He translated the Bible into German for his people. Out of it
Lutheranism and a fresh movement of excitement for God's Word was born across
Europe. Other voices before and after him championed the Bible for non-clergy,
the common man. The era coincided with the invention of the printing
press. William Tyndale (1494-1536 A.D.)
was burned at the stake for translating and printing the Bible into English.
The Tyndale Bible was instrumental in the careful construct of the King James
Version of the Bible which came into print in 1611 A.D.
For the next couple hundred years, the King James Bible
would be the most popular version of the Bible. To this day it is preferred by
many. It was created in the period and language style of Shakespeare and is
stunningly beautiful and memorable. It remains my favorite version for
memorizing Bible verses because it is so poetic. Its unique language style
makes it easier to remember as it flows in a musical manner. Many verses and
sayings you know come from this Bible. However, many new to the faith who have
not grown up with it find the archaic language slows down their understanding
of what God says.
Up until about 80 years ago there were only a small handful
of English translations of the Bible. Now Christian Bible Distributers carries
45 different Bible versions! So, what's up with that? Why are there so many?
Here are a couple of reasons.
- Language changes over time, such
as spellings and word meaning.
- English language differences in
different parts of the world. (US-"trunk" vs UK "boot")
- Efforts for different reading
levels. (Scholarly language vs. 5th grade reading level)
- Archeological discoveries of older
Bible portions and Biblical land clarifications. (Dead Sea Scrolls)
King James reigned at a time in history where Christian
divisions were sometimes violent. In an effort to bring clarity and unity to
God's people, the King James Bible translation was born. King James called a
conference of church scholars to discuss his idea. Ultimately almost 50 scholars
worked on it. Working groups were formed, and peer review essential. The model
of a large scholastic team with peer review is done still today for the best
Just as a side note on teamwork, the Septuagint translation
of the Hebrew Old Testament is abbreviated the LXX, meaning 70. It is so called
because in 3rd Century B.C. 72 Jewish scholars were commissioned to translate
the Hebrew Bible into Greek for the Greek King, Ptolemy of Philadelphus.
There are two basic sides to explain translation
methodologies. On the one side is a word for word translation. That is, the
most literal efforts to translate what the original languages of the Bible are
saying into English, word for word. It is a formal equivalence of the ancient
The other side of the spectrum is the thought for thought
method. It takes these ancient languages and explores the thought, the
intention, to communicate words to God's people. It then seeks to translate
that thought in such a way that the audience today, in a given cultural
setting, can understand. It has been referred to as a dynamic equivalence
At first you might be tempted to say the word for word would
certainly be the most accurate. However, the ancient writings of the Bible were
used in a Middle Eastern culture a couple thousand years ago, using ancient
languages that don't always have a modern English equivalent. So translators
have to ask themselves, how can this be written so people can understand what
God is saying to us in our world? Most of the best translations have some blend
of both sides.
Jaqueline and me |
We can learn from this by looking at what Bible translators
have to do in a completely different culture around the world. For instance,
where I worked for a number of years in Guinea, West Africa, there is a people
group there, the Kissiens, who have remote towns that still do not get bread. Rice
is their staple. The question, "Have you eaten? actually means, "Have
you had rice yet today?" Their
nickname is "People of the Rice".
To translate "I am the bread of life" directly, inventing a
word for bread, a product that has never been seen or eaten, would not be
meaningful. To say "I am the rice of life," would not be an exact
word for word translation. But it is a necessary adjustment for understanding.
I asked my Kissien friend, Jacqueline, what is written in the Kissien Bible. It
is a word that means powdered rice made into a little cake. I recall eating
some. It was a treat. To think of Jesus as their rice of life is beautiful.
Jesus is something they need every day, just like they need rice.
Finally there is the paraphrase. This is generally an explanation
of what God's Word is saying. It may be done by one person rather than a
scholarly team. It is based on another Bible in the same language, and is not a
direct translation of Hebrew and Greek. A good example is the Living Bible. It
started as a godly man, Kenneth N Taylor of Tyndale Publications, sought to
read the Bible to his children in family daily devotions. He would write out passages
in an explainable way for kids to grasp. He was encouraged to share it with
others. A couple epistles were printed first in 1962. His rendition made the
Bible come alive in modern language.
Here is a chart from Christian Book Distributors showing the
Word for Word vs. Thought for Thought translations. You will see that the most
literal translations are the New American Standard Bible (NASB) the English
Standard Version (ESV) and the Amplified. The most thought for thought Bibles
are the Living Bible and the Message.
- Advantage: Accurate and literal renderings of what the
Bible says. It seriously take more attention to the text, themes, Biblical
terms, and so on.
- Disadvantage: Sometimes the
translation can sound a little wooden, or use terms that are more scholarly
which need to be looked up.
Use these when you want more detailed Bible study with the
desire to be true to the original text. Precept, Intl. uses the NASB and ESV
for their studies.
- Advantage: Easy to understand, and fresh thoughts about what
it in the Bible. Sometimes it is helpful for a difficult passage, to gain
understanding for our world today.
- Disadvantage: At times it may interpret the Bible too
general, or miss some of the nuance of what is in the verse.
Use these when you want a fresh look at what a verse means
for your life. It helps greatly with application to our lives. It is often
written at a vocabulary geared for a children's audience. It is a wonderful
tool for children, teens and new believers. They create a thirst for God's
In the middle of the chart, with a nice blend of the two
approaches is the popular New International Version (NIV). This has been used
by many churches now for years. It is a very readable, understandable version
of the Bible. Also somewhat near the center is the New Living Translation (NLT)
and the Christian Standard Bible (CSB/HCSB). They are also beautiful to read
and well understood.
Years ago, my husband, a pastor, went to a new area to work.
Someone approached him and said, "Now Pastor, do you use the King James
Version of the Bible, or one of those Devil Bibles?"
The feeling was that the King James was the absolute best,
unpolluted version of the Bible out there and the others were tainted.
Honestly, God's Word is powerful. Why shouldn’t it be? It is just that. God's
Word. He is not going to give the Devil opportunity to totally ruin God's Word
and cause others to go astray in hordes. Give God some credit. If we read it
asking God's blessing, with the intention of God speaking in to our heart, the
Bible will speak, even if it is a version that is less accurate than some might
There is a place for various translations. I would expect the pastor's pulpit and our
seminaries are going to look to texts that are more accurate, scholarly works.
But it was on the Living Bible, the paraphrase, that I got hooked on reading
the Bible at age 16. I was not worried about verb tenses in the original
language or any kind of difficulty with the texts. I just LOVED to read what God
had for me and it changed my life and my view of the Bible forever.
What version is right for you? You need to ask yourself if
you need something right now that is clear to your understanding and applicable
to your life (more thought for thought), or if you need to get into the meat of
the Word, figuring out what the intricacies of study have for your soul. You
might just need both types in your life. Just as someone need to live on adult
food rather than mother's milk, so we should learn to take in the deeper meat
of God's Word.
God's Word is GOD's Word. It will accomplish His purpose as
it is read. READ IT TODAY!
is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want
it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it."
Isaiah 55: 11