Wednesday, April 5, 2023

'Twas the Night Before Easter

‘Twas the Night before Easter

by Diane Wido     (Matthew 27-28, Mark 15-16:8, Luke 23-24, John 19-20)

‘Twas the night before Easter and all through the land

People were stirring in the dark night at hand.

The chief priests and Pharisees ran to Pilate to say,

“Jesus told his disciples He’d arise the third day.”

His disciples might steal His body, they exclaimed!

“He arose from the dead” will be surely proclaimed.

“Put a seal on the tomb as secure as you can.”

Soldiers went to the tomb to protect this dead man.

Now Jesus was a man who had vexed all the leaders.

He healed folks on the Sabbath. He forgave even cheaters.

“He speaks like a man who has God’s authority!

Why He implies He is God, the I AM, to a T.”

This man must be killed! He is not to be trusted!

“Crucify Him” cried the masses! "Let His body be busted!"

The deed was accomplished; He died on the cross.

Nicodemus and Joseph wrapped him gently in cloth.

Laid in a new tomb that was completely empty,

A stone weighing a ton or more covered the entry.

‘Twas the night before Easter and every disciple

Had scattered with fear, confused and in denial.

When they found each other they grieved in dismay.

They talked and they wondered. Were they able to pray?

Did they eat? Did they sleep? They must have felt numb.

Before dawn John and Peter made a plan for a run.

Mary Magdalene saw the men. “They have taken the Lord!

His body’s not there! Where’s it gone? Where’s it stored?”

John and Peter started running but John got ahead.

Peter barged in the tomb. Cloth was folded instead.

They left deep in reflection. Mary stayed in the garden.

She started to weep. “I don’t know where they took Him!”

“Why the tears?” said the Lord. “Who are you looking for?”

"Just say where you put Him. I’ll take care of His corpse.”


”Teacher!” she exclaimed. And he gave her a message.

“Tell my brothers I go to the Father! Have courage!”

‘Twas the night before Easter and the women who served

Jesus tirelessly in Galilee gathered in a herd.

Jesus’ mother was there and some others I’m sure.

They were grieving but planning this caring venture.

They bought burial spices to anoint and to honor.

“Who’ll roll away the stone?” they wondered; they pondered.

At the tomb they were shocked to see the stone rolled away!

So they entered the tomb, where a man in white stayed.

“Don’t be scared!” said the angel, “this man Jesus you seek

Is not here! He is risen from the dead! Take a peek!

Now go! Tell the disciples that He is not dead!.

He will meet them in Galilee just as He said.”

The ladies ran bewildered, their hearts pounding fast!

They were frightened, yet joyful at what had surpassed.

“Listen Peter, and Andrew and James and John,

Nathanial and Matthew, Simon and Tom,

James, the younger, and Philip, oh Judas, the other,

He is risen! He is risen! He is risen, my brothers!”

Don’t be dismayed! He’s alive it’s decreed!

Happy Easter to All! He is Risen, indeed!



1. Of the people in this poem (and the Biblical story) which one do you identify the most with? Why? If you could be a fly on a wall where would you like to be in the story?

2. In a word, what does Easter morning means to you?

If you are experiencing doubts, that is OK.  God is patient with questions and a seeker's heart. 

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 NIV

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7


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