Thursday, September 14, 2023

“What Grabs You” Bible Reading

Big Idea: To read the Bible till a phrase or sentence grabs your attention, then meditate on it, is a dynamic way to engage with the living Word of God.

Have you ever needed wisdom, opening the Bible randomly hoping God might speak to you? That’s not this Bible reading method.

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12 NLT

The Bible is alive and dynamic, inspired by the Holy Spirit. This same Spirit speaks into your life through the Word of God today. It is fresh and relevant no matter what circumstance you face.

Lectio Divina

The “What Grabs You” Bible reading method is based on a way to read the Bible practiced since 300 A.D. often used by monks to dwell on the Word and meditate on it. It is called Lectio Divina, which is Latin for Divine Reading. 

Though it has been practiced historically by Catholics it has grabbed the attention of Protestants today. The premise is that the Bible is not stale and dusty but living and invaluable for your present situation.

How it works

1. Choose a book of the Bible (like Philippians) or a passage of Scripture (like the Sermon on the Mount).

2. Pray, asking the Holy Spirit, the one who inspired the Bible to speak into your life through the Word.

3. Start reading your chosen passage. Watch for something that speaks to you. It may be in the first verse you read.

This letter is from Paul and Timothy, slaves of Christ Jesus. Philippians s 1:1 NLT

4. It may startle you that Paul and Timothy identify as slaves of Christ Jesus. 

Stop and make it your meditation for today.
  • Why does it strike a chord for you? Do you disagree? Do you find it intriguing?
  • Mull it over in your mind. Read it slowly several times. Speak it aloud.
  • Reflect on it. Consider what it says and what it might imply about God, for the Christian life, etc.
  • Meditate on it prayerfully.
  • Why does this matter? How might it impact my life and those around me?
  • Consider keeping a journal of your insights as you move through the Bible

When to use this method

1. Use this method as your first effort at Bible study. It is very simple, but you get started in the Word and use it, interacting with God on what you read.

2. Use this method for a break from an intense Bible study method such as Inductive Bible Study of a ponderous book, like Isaiah or Romans. This would not be a good long term method for Bible Study.

3. Use this method when you have suffered a loss, are downhearted or struggling.

4. Try this for a period of time when you are seeking God’s Will. Expect God to show you Himself (His character, love and patience) to guide you rather than expect specific direction like “buy the blue car.”


Previous: 3 Payoffs for Regular Bible Reading
Up next: “Just 2 Questions” Bible Reading



1. What is your impression of this method? Can you see yourself trying it out?

2. What benefit do you believe comes from meditation of the Word?