Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Angel Tracking: The Angel's Candle


The Big Idea: About the fourth Advent candle, the Angel’s Candle, focusing on the role of angels in the story of Jesus birth.

Angel Tracking

How do you picture an angel? A cute little cherub? A man in white with feathery wings?  A figurine at Grandmother’s house? The Bible tells us little about angel appearance. They are neither man nor woman and without age. Imperfect ideas of angels abound. They don’t earn their wings as the Christmas movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” implies.

Angels are heavenly spirit beings mentioned close to 300 times in the Bible. God created them to serve Him. 

Find the Angel

Angels have numerous roles in the Bible, such as protection, guarding, and serving. The Biblical word  “angel” means “messenger.” Angels play this role in the Christmas story.

  • An angel informed Zachariah he’d become the father of John the Baptist to direct people to the Messiah (Luke 1: 11-19).
  • An angel told Mary she was favored of God and how Jesus would be conceived in her (Luke 1:26-38).
  • An angel reassured Joseph (Matthew 1:24-26) that Mary was  pregnant by the Holy Spirit not by another man, to care for Jesus and what to name Him.
  • An angel told the shepherds of Jesus’ amazing birth and how to find Him (Luke 2:9-15).
  • An angel warned Joseph in a dream to go to Egypt for Jesus’ life was in danger (Matthew 2:13)
  • After the threat subsided an angel advised Joseph in a dream to return safely to Israel (Matthew 2: 19-20)

Angels spoke on God’s behalf; special messengers with a specific message. Angels on track with God.

Advent, means “coming. ” This fourth week, reflect on angel involvement. The key word is peace, likly from the praise anthem preformed by a huge heavenly choir to the shepherds in Bethlehem. They proclaimed,

“Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” Luke 2:14 (NLT)

Tracking Angels

Angels are mysterious creatures. Curiosity pricks at us. Some apply more faith and energy into angel worship than in God. While true today, it was also true in Bible times. Jews in antiquity gave different names to angels, assigning specific powers to them. In this climate the author of the book of Hebrews reminded Christians of Jewish background that Jesus is greater than the angels (Hebrews 1:4-7).

Angels  perform a vital service. They are servants of the Most High; servants of Jesus Himself! At Jesus’ earthly arrival angels brought the word about the Word of God.  We can track these angels. Look closely at their messages. They remind us that God is at work in the lives of Hi people, and of His loving care for them.