The Big Idea: No matter what your belief, you should read the Bible.
Why read the Bible? The skeptic needs a different reason than a Christian who has followed God for decades. No matter what, it is a worthwhile read. Here's why.
To the Skeptic
1. Best Seller: The Bible has been a non-fiction best seller for centuries. It was the first book printed in 1452 on the Guttenberg Press.
2. Influential: The Bible has influenced and inspired world leaders and many top literary minds in world history.
3. Moral Compass: The Bible gives moral and ethical guidance. It is basic. It is profound. It grounds us on what we know in our gut to be right.
4. Big Picture: The Bible gives big picture perspective. It introduces the higher power. It provides comfort and hope.
If You’re Just Beginning
The Bible is like a library with various literary styles like poetry/wisdom, stories, history, law, and apocalyptic writings. Some of the Bible is not exciting or inspirational. But it has purpose just like the tiny type in contracts. Be aware of this when you read it. Next week will be about how to begin reading.
1. The Encyclopedia. The Bible contains information on many different subjects. It contains history, Old Testament laws, and compendiums about wisdom.
2. The Cookbook. Some parts of the Bible read like a cookbook. Proverbs has recipes for young man to keep pure, and about business women contributing in both home and community. The New Testament has guidelines for marriage,etc.
3. The Storybook. The Bible has vivid stories of people who are not perfect. Some turned to God and it changed their life. Bible characters are not superheroes or villains. Ordinary people encountered God and made their choices.
4. The Spiritual Guide. The Bible is a spiritual book for the soul. It teaches how to get along with God and man. Our bad choices effect us and it shows how to choose a better way to live.
What Christians Believe
1. God's Word: We believe the Bible is the very word of God. The Holy Spirit has breathed the words through those who wrote the words down in different eras and places. It is surprisingly in sync as a unit.
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 2 Timothy 3:16
2. Active: The Bible is living and active. Though it was penned long ago, it is dynamic, not static, and continues to be relevant no matter what the culture or era.
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12
3. Trustworthy: You can trust God's word
to be true. God's promises throughout the Bible can be trusted as we rely on
The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:1
4. Life Changing: God's Word teaches us
how to be right with God. God wants to rescue us from the pit. Words like:
rescue, save, restore, redeem, fulfill are about God's ability to change us
from darkness to light when we trust Him.
Stand by me and set me free. Give me life again because of Your Word. Psalm 119:154 (TLV)
I close with a quote from an Athiest Book Club discussion from Goodreads.
I happen to be an Athiest who has read the Bible from cover to cover more than once. Some may ask why I, a non-believer, would want to read the entire Bible. They should be asking why so many believers do not.
Open the Bible and explore it!
Next week the topic will be on where to start reading.
Up Next: Where do I Start?
Previous Post: Watch the Bible
1. Have you read much in the Bible? If not, why not? OR if you read the Bible now, what was your excuse before you actually began.
2. Do you agree or disagree with my reasons for reading the Bible?
3. Are you willing to read something, even one verse, in the Bible each day this week? Try finding verses in the Psalms.