Sunday, August 2, 2020

How I got this way

Passionate about Teaching the Bible

I'm an enthusiastic Bible teacher who loves to delve into the Bible and see it applied to life. How did this interest develop in me, a young girl from the Midwest? Here are touch points in my journey. (Lots of anachronisms)

· My youth (VBS, Bible Camps, Coffee House)

· Higher Education (University with IVCF, Internationals, Seminary, Manhattan)

· Nurse and Bible Educator in West Africa (Guinea, World Missions Consultant)

· Military Chaplain's Spouse (PWOC, OSC, travels)

· Last stop Learner and Educator in NE Ohio

My youth

I grew up in North Dakota/Minnesota. My parents loved Jesus. They wanted me and my siblings to grow to love Him too. But they did not try to force it on us. Rather they positioned us coming regularly to church, in Sunday School classes, going to Bible Camp in the summer, Youth Groups… any opportunity offered in church for children. I later learned they felt that kids need other people in their life in addition (not a substitute) to parents to answer their questions and model for them a good Christian life. It really worked well. Knowing I had done bad things even as a little child, I asked Jesus to be Savior at Vacation Bible School when I was six years old. I wanted tell people around the world about Jesus since I was nine.

In High School I got involved with a Friday Night Coffee House. We sang and ate together, but we also studied the Bible. That group, very influential in my young life, helped me develop an interest in devotional literature from historical notable Christians, such as Andrew Murray, C.S. Lewis, Amy Carmichael and the like.

Higher Education

I went to a branch of the University of Wisconsin where I was a nursing major. There I became involved with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. That organization introduced me to personal Bible Study, attending and leading small group Bible study and one on one mentoring. I was also involved in International Students Association and a couple other International clubs. I enjoyed my international friends so much. I had small Bible Study with a couple of Japanese students. The skills I learned there and my experiences with others prepared me for a lifetime.

I had felt a call to tell the world about Jesus even when I was in elementary school. I worked as a nurse in Manhattan, which was a great cross-cultural experience. I led Bible Studies for nurses in my apartment building through Nurses Christian Fellowship. Going to Alliance Theological Seminary near New York City was my next step to prepare for this venture. ATS gave me the Biblical studies foundation for Bible study. I had an introduction to Greek and learned to use tools for Bible study. God was at work equipping me to do what he created me to do.

Nurse and Bible Educator in West Africa

I went to West Africa as a nurse with the Christian and Missionary Alliance church. I would spend parts of the next ten years at a Bible Institute for the training of pastors and their wives. I learned French and a local language. I was assigned there as a school nurse, but I discovered I loved to teach and make the Word of God come alive. While there I taught in two areas to the freshman of future pastors... The Pentateuch, and the History of the Old Testament. This experience really honed my desire and skills to get at the timeless Biblical truths and apply it to current life. I worked with people in another culture so different from my own, explaining as an American woman the culture of the Biblical times. It was so critical to get at the most important truths God wanted to communicate and see it apply to my students' lives.

For about four years I worked as a District Missions Consultant in various Christian and Missionary Alliance districts. My role was to help churches embrace the call to the World to touch nations with the message of God's love. It was the message that all peoples would know our amazing God, who transcends culture, desires a personal connection with each human being.

Military Chaplain's Spouse

During that time I met my husband, a military chaplain, who had lost his wife. We had been at Alliance Theological Seminary at the same time, but did not know each other personally. We established a friendship of mutual interest, and the military moved him to a new location. After three years we became convinced God would have us serve Him together in the US military setting and got married.

As a military officer's wife, I became involved in Officer's Spouse's Club and in our chapel ministries, most notably Protestant Women of the Chapel. In both organizations on various occasions I led a Bible Study for those interested, often to people of quite diverse backgrounds.

Last stop

Now in retirement my husband and I find ourselves in a wonderful community in North East Ohio. We have postured ourselves as learners, teachers and mentors to those desiring to minister to others. We both teach classes and Bible studies in our church, and we both teach in adult education classes in the community on Biblical subjects.

We have both been trained by Precept Ministries as Precept upon Precept leaders and have in the past taught Precept Bible Studies. My husband, a world history and church history buff, has taught me to value how history impacts the way we live and think today. Wherever we have lived in our military assignments, we have traveled and taken in the local history of the area. While stationed in Germany we took days off for day trips to the most interesting of places, including places in Martin Luther's life, the Greek Islands, the Apostle Paul traversed so many times, and Rome where Peter and Paul were most likely killed for their faith. We recently went with a group from our church to Israel.

It all comes together now

All these experiences in my life have given me a love for studying God's Word, a desire to be true to the Biblical text, and a passion to communicate its truths well to those who want to learn. Our travels and experiences all over the world have given me a hunger to know more of the background of the Bible and its' culture. I have recently found great joy in finding Bible background Study Bibles and resources. I love hearing about how craftsman operated in Jesus' day, for that is what he was. I love learning cultural tidbits about the daily life in Jesus' day. I see so many parallels of the Middle Eastern ancient periods to my days in rural West Africa, seeing how men and women tilled the ground and fed and clothed their children.

Maybe now you understand why I get so excited about the Bible. Come along with me on this written ride. There is so much to take in! Thank you for joining me.


Up Next: Beginning with God
Previous Post:Bible Application



Has God given you a passion for something that is honoring to Him? What might it be? How might you do something this week that uses this gift for His glory